President Bola Tinubu has called for stringent measures against Nigerian civil servants who relocate abroad while still receiving salaries from Nigeria, urging swift accountability and restitution for the fraudulent activity.

Speaking at the finale of the 2024 Civil Service Week Award and Gala Night on Saturday, President Tinubu expressed grave concern over reports shared by the head of the civil service regarding the illicit disbursement of salaries to employees who had relocated without formally resigning.

“We must ensure those responsible are held accountable and restitution is made. The culprits must refund the money they fraudulently collected, and their supervisors and department heads must also face consequences for their complicity,” President Tinubu emphasized.

Highlighting the critical importance of a disciplined civil service, President Tinubu underscored that such misconduct undermines the integrity and efficiency of Nigeria’s governmental institutions.

He reiterated his administration’s commitment to promoting meritocracy and fostering excellence within the civil service.

The President’s remarks coincide with ongoing efforts to overhaul the civil service, marked by recent initiatives aimed at enhancing employee welfare and performance across ministries and departments.

In her address, Head of Civil Service Folashade Yemi-Esan highlighted advancements in implementing a Reward and Recognition System designed to boost morale and productivity among civil servants.

She commended President Tinubu for supporting improvements in civil service welfare, including recent measures such as wage increases and housing initiatives.

“In underscoring the link between incentives and performance, it is crucial to emphasize that the Civil Service must attract the best talent to drive national plans and address socio-economic challenges,” Yemi-Esan stated.

She further acknowledged collaborative efforts with stakeholders from both public and private sectors in enhancing the civil service’s value proposition.

The call for accountability and reform underscores President Tinubu’s commitment to ensuring transparency and efficiency within Nigeria’s civil service, pivotal for sustainable development and effective governance.

For updates and further developments on civil service reforms, stay tuned to our channel. This ongoing initiative holds significant implications for governance and public sector integrity in Nigeria.

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