Rivers State Governor, Siminalayi Fubara, has officially sworn in the eight commissioner nominees recently screened and confirmed by the State House of Assembly, urging them to prioritize the maintenance of accurate records in their respective ministries.

During the swearing-in ceremony held at the Executive Council Chamber of the Government, Governor Fubara emphasized the importance of cultivating a culture of meticulous documentation, stating that it is fundamental for the efficient functioning of any organized system, particularly within the civil service.

He underscored that accurate records serve as vital historical references, capturing essential events, decisions, and actions, while also serving as indicators of productivity.

The governor expressed his disappointment at the lack of proper documentation by some former commissioners who had previously served in his administration.

He highlighted the absence of records of activities in the ministries they oversaw, describing it as regrettable and emphasizing the need for accountability and transparency in government operations.

The swearing-in ceremony came after the State Assembly, led by Speaker Victor Oko-Jumbo, completed the screening and confirmation process for all eight nominees.

Governor Fubara commended the Assembly for its diligence and urged the newly-inaugurated commissioners to uphold the highest standards of governance, ensuring that their actions align with the state’s developmental agenda and meet the expectations of the people.

He said, “I know what I am saying. Some of them who left here as commissioners, there are no records in their ministries. We’ve had a few meetings with people. We were looking for records which we could not find, but that is for them and their gods, I am not bothered about that.

“But, you that are coming in now, please, do this work as seasoned administrators. Work with your Permanent Secretaries, the things that you don’t know, ask questions from them, they will tell you, they will teach you too. It doesn’t reduce you as not being the head. But it helps you to succeed as a good administrator,” he said.

Calling on them to emulate his work culture and pay attention to details, Fubara told them that discipline is central to his administration.

He said, “Let me say this, this government is a government that is birthed by high level discipline.

“I don’t know about other people that are working with me, but as a person, from the time that I started working as a civil servant, from the time I worked in the Office of the Accountant General with my boss, we didn’t play with keeping good records.

“I can boldly stand here to say that whatever transpired, the records are there right from the time we worked from 2007 to date. They are there for anybody to go and see.

“Likewise, what happened from the time of the immediate past administration. I carefully kept my records clean. The records are there.

“So, I want you to understand that, while I am sitting here to pilot the affairs of this state, as a matter of fact, the records I am keeping are even more excellent because I have a day-to-day report of what I am doing.”

Governor Fubara further said, “So, I am not bothered or afraid. Call me any day, call me anytime, I will stand and defend every action, every decision that we have taken.

“So, I want you to stand on that premise, knowing fully well that whatever you are doing, in case you are called upon tomorrow to give account, you can do so confidently. Keep your records straight.

“The oath you took is the charge. I am not asking you to be obedient to me. I am not asking you to do my bidding. But I am requesting from everyone of you here to defend the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and the dignity of our dear state.

“Your position as a Commissioner today is not just for you to answer to me. It is to work for the interest of our state.

“But I know that with what I have heard, with the few of you that I have related with, I know that you are men of integrity.

“You are not going to bring shame to our dear state, you are not going to bring shame to your families, you are not going to bring shame to your local governments. You will stand tall, no matter the situation,” he said.

As the newly-appointed commissioners assume their roles, stakeholders anticipate increased efficiency and accountability within the state’s executive council, as well as enhanced service delivery to the citizens of Rivers State.

Governor Fubara’s emphasis on proper documentation underscores his administration’s commitment to transparency and good governance, setting a precedent for responsible leadership in the state.

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