Former President Muhammadu Buhari has emphasized the importance of boosting food production and addressing population growth in Nigeria, in his Eid message delivered after observing prayers in Daura with Emir Dr. Faruk Umar Faruk.

In his remarks to journalists, Buhari expressed satisfaction with the increasing number of Nigerians involved in farming to mitigate high food prices and ensure food security. However, he cautioned about the challenges posed by unchecked population growth.

“Wishing everyone a Happy Sallah, I urge all citizens to promote self-reliance by cultivating our own food. We have demonstrated our capability in this regard, and now is not the time to relent despite rising prices,” Buhari stated.

He underscored the foundational efforts of successive governments in nation-building and encouraged youth to actively participate and draw inspiration from Nigeria’s historical figures and regional leaders.

Reflecting on the large turnout at the Eid gathering in Daura, Buhari expressed concern over the implications of rapid population growth on future generations, stressing the need for extensive discourse and awareness on the issue, coupled with increased investments in education and healthcare.

“Amidst the current challenges facing our nation, let us embrace solidarity and mutual support in the spirit of Eid. I wish everyone a joyous Sallah,” Buhari concluded.

Addressing members of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC), who traditionally pay homage to him during Sallah celebrations, Buhari praised the scheme as a unifying force in Nigeria and urged future administrations to strengthen it. He also continued his annual tradition of gifting a cow, 10 bags of rice, and financial support to the NYSC members to mark the occasion.

The former president highlighted the NYSC as one of the enduring legacies of General Yakubu Gowon’s tenure as Head of State, emphasizing its role in fostering national unity and development.

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