
Criminal Conviction: ‘I’m appealing this scam, Trump vows

Former US President and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has vowed to challenge his recent criminal conviction for falsifying business records.

Speaking at a press conference held at Trump Tower in New York City on May 31, 2024, Trump declared, “We’re going to be appealing this scam… on many different things.”

Trump criticized the trial process, labeling it as “very unfair” and accusing it of being politicized. He expressed frustration over not being allowed to testify, despite his desire to do so.

Trump also lamented the treatment of witnesses aligned with his defense, describing their treatment as being “literally crucified.”

Despite acknowledging the toll the legal battle has taken on his family, friends, and businesses, Trump affirmed his determination to challenge the conviction on 34 counts of falsifying business records.

With the November presidential election on the horizon, Trump’s decision to appeal sets the stage for a contentious legal battle that could have significant ramifications for his political future.

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