
Sunday Oliseh calls for renewed respect among Super Eagles players

Gifted Markson

Former Super Eagles coach Sunday Oliseh has called attention to a concerning shift in attitudes among the current generation of Nigerian football players, urging them to show more respect to their predecessors.

In a recent statement, Oliseh underscored the importance of honoring those who have significantly contributed to Nigerian football.

“It boils down to respect,” Oliseh remarked.

“The current generation, the ones who see themselves as stars, have little respect for those who came before them. Especially those who came before them that are bigger than them.”

Oliseh contrasted the behavior of today’s players with that of his own generation, who always held their predecessors in high regard.

“Nobody from my generation ever calls the 1980 generation by name. Like you see Mr. Segun Odegbami, we don’t call him Segun or Odegbami; we call him Big Sheg. You see captain Christian Chukwu of the 1980s; we don’t call him Chukwu; we call him the Chairman because he was the chairman of the defense back then. The same with Mr. Adokie Amesimaka; we don’t call him Adokie Amesimaka; we call him the name of the legal system (Chief Justice). It’s a sign of respect.”

Oliseh emphasized that respect is not just a matter of formality but a crucial element in maintaining the spirit and unity of the team.

His comments come at a time when the Super Eagles are under scrutiny for their performance and team dynamics.

As the Super Eagles gear up for future challenges, Oliseh’s call for respect serves as a reminder of the values that have historically strengthened Nigerian football.

By honoring those who laid the groundwork, the current generation can build a more cohesive and respectful team environment, ensuring a legacy that future players will be proud to continue.

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