
Oba of Benin to LP Candidate Akpata: You’re not a child of the palace

The Oba of Benin, His Royal Majesty Oba Ewuare II, has clarified statements made by Olumide Akpata, the Labour Party (LP) gubernatorial candidate, regarding his affiliation with the Palace during a recent visit to Benin City.

Accompanied by former presidential candidate, Mr. Peter Obi, Akpata referred to himself as a “son of the Palace” during a meeting with the Oba.

However, the Oba swiftly addressed this assertion, revealing that he had requested verification from his chiefs and found no familial ties between Akpata and the Palace.

The Oba clarified Akpata’s standing, stating, “You are an industrious son of the soil, but to say you are a child of the Palace…I am not aware that any of my children is contesting or is a politician. So I need to make that clarification for the sake of the public and the fourth estate of the realm.”

In response to the Oba’s correction, Akpata acknowledged, “While I may not be a child of the Palace, I consider myself a child of the kingdom.”

A member of Akpata’s entourage expressed disappointment with the public rebuke from the Oba, asserting, “We are not really happy with the manner in which our candidate was rebuked by the Oba for claiming to be the son of the palace. In my opinion, any Benin or Edo person is a son of the palace, as we all came from the same source.”

The incident underscores the cultural and political sensitivities surrounding claims of association with the Benin Palace, highlighting the importance of clarity and respect for traditional titles and affiliations in local politics.

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