
ISWAP’s Grim Ultimatum: ‘Leave Or Die’ warning sends shockwaves through Borno communities

Tensions rise in Borno State as the Islamic State – West Africa Province (ISWAP) delivers a chilling ultimatum to residents of Kukawa Local Government Area (LGA), warning them to vacate their communities or face death.

This comes mere days after the brutal killing of fifteen fishermen in the Tumbun Rogo community by the same terrorist group.

A resident, speaking on condition of anonymity, disclosed to Channels Television that ISWAP militants assembled residents from various communities in the early hours of Thursday, delivering the stark ultimatum: evacuate their homes by Saturday or meet a deadly fate.

Prompted by the threat, communities swiftly began fleeing, seeking refuge in neighboring areas such as Kross Kauwa and Monguno.

Kukawa LGA, situated near Lake Chad, is renowned for its fishing, farming, and agricultural activities, despite being plagued by insurgent attacks.

Under the administration of Professor Babagana Zulum, efforts were made to resettle communities like Kross Kauwa, Baga, Doron-Baga, Kukawa, and Tumbun Rogo, aiming to restore peace and stability.

However, the persistent attacks by Boko Haram/ISWAP terrorists underscore the enduring threat to the region’s socioeconomic fabric.

With the area’s strategic importance to insurgents for sustenance and financial backing, the cycle of violence persists despite efforts to rebuild and rejuvenate affected communities.

The plight of residents hangs in the balance as the specter of terror casts a dark shadow over their lives.

Stay tuned for further updates on this developing situation.

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