In a fiery address at the “People’s Convention” of Turning Point Action, former President Donald Trump pledged to initiate the “largest deportation effort in the history of our country” if he secures reelection in November.

Trump criticized the Biden administration for what he described as lax immigration policies, accusing them of allowing “thousands of radical terrorists” to enter the United States unchecked.

He emphasized the urgency of addressing what he sees as a national security threat posed by these individuals.

“We have no choice,” Trump asserted to a cheering crowd.

“On day one of my new administration, we will begin the largest deportation operation in American history. We have no other choice. This is not sustainable.”

Trump specifically targeted radical Islamic terrorists, vowing to swiftly remove them from the country if given another term in office.

He portrayed the current immigration situation as unprecedented, warning of dire consequences if immediate action is not taken.

“They’re pouring in at levels that nobody’s ever seen before, and we’re going to pay a big price,” Trump declared passionately.

The former president’s remarks come amid a heated political climate leading up to the November 2024 presidential election.

His stance on immigration and national security has been a central theme of his campaign, resonating strongly with his supporters.

The upcoming election is set for November 05, 2024, with Trump positioning himself as a forceful advocate for stricter immigration policies and enhanced border security.

As the campaign progresses, Trump’s promises regarding immigration are expected to remain a focal point of debate and discussion across the political spectrum.

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