
‘Finidi did not say things alleged to have said against Osimhen’

Gifted Markson

In a recent revelation, popular journalist and sports presenter, Colin Udoh, has categorically refuted claims that Finidi George, the former coach of Nigeria’s football team, Super Eagles, made disparaging remarks about Nigeria and Napoli striker, Victor Osimhen.

Udoh disclosed his findings in a video posted on his Instagram page, clarifying the situation after thorough verification from reliable sources.

Udoh stated that he confirmed with Finidi George and several senior figures who were present at a meeting between Finidi, the Nigerian Football Federation (NFF), and the minister, that the alleged comments were never made.

“I called a couple of people who were at the meeting between the NFF, Finidi, and the minister to confirm whether what is alleged to have been said was actually said,” Udoh explained.

“These people are really very-very senior and reliable, and I was told categorically that Finidi did not say the things he is alleged to have said.”

Udoh elaborated that Finidi did not refuse to beg Osimhen to play for the Super Eagles or question Osimhen’s commitment. Instead, Finidi had clarified Osimhen’s absence, noting that the striker had informed him from Germany and was thus excused from duty.

“When the issue of players’ commitment was raised, Finidi said he was not going to beg anybody to play for the Super Eagles but did not mention any player by name specifically,” Udoh noted.

To further substantiate his findings, Udoh contacted Finidi directly. Finidi reiterated that he had not made any of the alleged comments and emphasized that he would never call out a player publicly or privately without addressing any issues directly with the concerned individual.

Finidi also revealed that upon learning about the allegations, he immediately reached out to Osimhen to clear the air, stressing that Osimhen should have contacted him directly instead of publicly reacting to the false accusations.

Colin Udoh’s clarification puts to rest the controversy surrounding Finidi George and Victor Osimhen, highlighting the importance of verifying facts before drawing conclusions in public discourse.

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