
FG to establish College of Health Tech, Song

…as bill by Boya passes 2nd reading

Tom Garba, Yola

Honourable Barrister Aliyu Wakili Boya, sponsor of the bill to establish Federal College of Health Technology Song has assured the people of Adamawa State dividends of democracy with better representation.

Boya said this immediately the Bill for enacting the health institution Song passed second reading today at the hallow chamber of the national assembly of the house of Representatives.

According to him the objective of the college is to have courses of study in health related leading to having professional diplomas as deem it fit by the institution governing council.

Boya while seeking the passage of the bill to pass second reading, he craved the endulgence of other colleagues to understand that the country needs more health professionals in order to curb the health challenges of people in the grassroots.

“Mr Speaker as the Population of the country continue to grow, there’s need to train more health professionals in order to improve the health needs of Nigerian citizens.

“The outbreak of Ebola diseases about ten years ago and the corona virus disease in 2019 has underscore the need of Nigeria to enough and efficient health professionals that will be readily available when there’s any health emergency.

“When this college establish, it would be One of such colleges where Health professionals are trained. It’s to educate healthcare personnel who can work as a team, provide comprehensive health care to individuals in any community (urban and rural) in the nation, and be up to date on issue of global health relevance.” The bill read

Boya further explained that if the college is established in Song, it will boost the economy activities of the area as Many indirect jobs would be created.

Boya called on Speaker Abbas Tajjudeen to give the Youth of Adamawa State and its environs especially those in Song Local Government area to have access to education.

Boya assured that he will work hard to see to the establishment of the school with a follow up of its third reading in a sooner possible time.

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