
About Us

Who We Are

First News online is a reputable independent digital news network that prides itself on being a frontline media outfit committed to engaging her world-class with factual, authentic and credible information.

Published by First Media Network, FirstNews conducts her journalism activities with strict observance of high standards of ethics, accountability, professsional and legality, while exercising her rights to freedom of expression and information, all in a bid to ensure credible reporting of the news behind the news in Business, Education, Sport, Health, Entertainment and many more.

As an online media organisation, we seek to always tell the undiluted truth in a professional and unbiased manner. Besides being professional journalists, creatives united by the singular mission of empowering the world through engaging and compelling documentaries on factual events, occurrences and credible

We are FirstNews, your one-stop-shop in everything news and the obvious first in online journalism.
Do well to check out our other digital platforms for our portfolio of services ranging from our Youtube channel to all other of our social media handles.

Meet The Team