
World AIDS Day: PPFN tests over 100 women for HIV, breast, cervical cancer


The Planned Parenthood Federation of Nigeria, on Wednesday, in Kaduna, sensitised over 100 women on HIV, breast and cervical cancer in commemoration of this year’s World AIDS day.

The seminar was organised by the PPFN at the Nigeria Union of Journalists Secretariat in Kaduna.

The team lectured the women on various topics, including Healthy Timing of Pregnancy, Spacing, HIV counseling and self-testing, cervical cancer and screening, Breast Cancer Counseling and screening, and GBV Counseling.

The leader of the group in the North West, Mrs Amina Abdulraheem, stressed the need for mothers to always find time to educate the girl child on HIV counseling and self-testing.

“There is need for mothers to counsel themselves, educate their young girl child against contracting and having HIV/AIDS, risk of Cervical Cancer, Breast cancer, GBV counseling,” she said.

She added that the NorthWest office of PPFN was prepared and willing to give counseling and also educate families on the need for child spacing.

During the seminar, all women journalists and other women benefited from the cervical cancer tests, HIV, Breast cancer tests, family planning injections, among others.

The men too were not left behind.

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