
Why Prince Adekoya will always win in elections


The Federal lawmaker and also the House of Representatives member representing Ijebu North, Ijebu East, Ogun – Waterside Federal Constituency, Rt. Hon Prince Abdel-Majid Adesegun Adekoya, popularly called ATTACKER, is very dear in the minds of his constituents.

Prince Adekoya, who is a second timer in the House of Representatives, is the Deputy Minority Whip in the Green Chamber of the National Assembly, Abuja.

Prince Adekoya swung into actions immediately after his re-election in 2019 by embarking on numerous unprecedented / remarkable / landmarks projects not only within his Federal Constituency but across the three Senatorial Districts of Ogun State.

Starting from outside his Federal Constituency, Prince Adekoya facillated a world class multi-million naira Cardiothoracic Center at the Federal Medical Center Abeokuta, ( Ogun Central ), first of it’s kind in south western Nigeria.

Prince Adekoya also facilitated the complete renovation of the Assembly Hall of St. Barbara’s Primary School, Okun – Owa in Odogbolu Local Government.

Prince Adekoya, again facilitated the complete renovation/ rehabilitation of the Hostel Blocks at Ijebu Ode Grammar School , Ijebu Ode.

In Ogun West, Prince Adekoya, has also assisted / empowered many Yewa indigenes in the area of Federal employments / empowerment.

We may then be wondering why Prince Adekoya is working beyond his Federal Constituency. The simple reason for his wonderful action is his interest in the infrastructural development of Ogun State.

Some people are also of the opinion that Prince Adekoya might be nursing a gubernatorial ambition come 2023. Even though, Prince Adekoya is constituionally eligible and eminently qualified to aspire to any political office, including the presidency in Nigeria , for now, his focus and attention remain the total turnaround of his Federal Constituency.

Coming back to Ijebu North, Ijebu East , Ogun – Waterside Federal Constituency, Prince Adekoya is performing wonderfully well beyond the expectations of his constituents.

In Ijebu East, construction work has commenced on the Ijebu – Mushin Ultra modern Market.

Ilodo Community Hall is presently undergoing total renovation.

Construction of blocks of classrooms is ongoing at Comprehensive Secondary School, Ijebu Ife.

Ogbe River Bridge has been completed / delivered with asphalt road.

The School Hall of Itele High School is being renovated.

In Ogun – Waterside, construction work has commenced on Oni Ultra modern Jetty. This is a landmark / legacy project that will guarantee massive employment generation for the unemployed youths.

Abigi Health Center has been completed / delivered.

Various public Primary / Secondary Schools have also been renovated and rehabilitated.

In Ijebu North, construction work has commenced on the Ago – Iwoye City Stadium.

Blocks of classrooms have been delivered at Japara High School, Ijebu – Igbo.
The total reconstruction of Orimolusi Palace Ijebu Igbo has been facillated.

Blocks of classrooms are being renovated at Moslem Primary School, Ajebo – Oru Ijebu.

Blocks of classrooms at Ebumawe Model Primary School, Ago – Iwoye.

Many public roads have been reconstructed with solar powered street lights across the Federal Constituency.

Construction of blocks of classrooms at St. Paul Primary School, Ago – Iwoye Secondary School, Muslim High School is ongoing while a well furnished computer room at Methodist Comprehensive High School, Ago Iwoye has been delivered.

An annex of the Federal Medical Center at Ako – Matoole Community is also being facilitated and ongoing.

The Ago – Iwoye Central Development Council ( ACDC ) Health Center is also undergoing complete rehabilitation.

Generally speaking, various Women / Youths empowerment programmes , Federal Government employment opportunities , local and foraign training opportunities are some of the other benefits that are being enjoyed by members of his constituents.

Provision of brand new tractor for farmers across board has been done.

Provision of a brand new grader for the grading of rural roads across the Federal Constituency has also been achieved.

In simple terms, Rt. Hon. Prince Adesegun Adekoya is a rare breed, a superlative Federal Lawmaker , uncommon goal-getter and undisputable achiever who will always win his elections any day , any time.

ATTACKER is working to the glory of God.

. Nodiru is Special Assistant Media to the Deputy Minority Whip of the House of Representatives

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