
Use ancestral powers to secure yourselves from kidnappers, Ogun monarch urges royal fathers

Segun Ayinde, Abeokuta

The Olu Owode- Egba, Obafemi Owode Local Government, Ogun State, Oba Kolawole Sowemimo, has urged traditional rulers in Yoruba land to embrace the spiritual powers of their ancestors to secure their lives from the hands of kidnappers ravaging the Southwest states.

Recalled that two traditional rulers in Ekiti State – Oba David Ogunsakin, the Elesun of Esun-Ekiti; and Oba Olatunde Olusola, the Onimojo of Omojola-Ekiti were killed by gun men suspected to be kidnapers while returning from a meeting in Irele-Ekiti

But, Oba Sowemimo who was reacting to the incident at his palace, at the weekend, when some group of journalists headed by the Publisher of Boseri – a Yoruba Newspaper came to award him ” Alayeluwa Oba Ajigbotilu” of Owode Egbaland, lamented the spate of killings of monarchs in Yoruba land

The Oba expressed worry that the kidnapping and killings of the monarchs continues to rear its ugly head because most of the traditional rulers had abandoned culture and traditions and were too religious to use ancestral powers to check their safety before embarking on a trip.

He said he was not against any monarchs being a Christain or Moslems, but they should not neglect their ancestral ways of doing things because of foreign religion, saying that traditional powers was the best spiritual way a Yoruba king could protect himself from kidnapping and unforeseen circumstances.

Oba Sowemimo used that case of Olu Iwo, Oba Abdulrasheed Akanbi, in Osun State, who boasted that no kidnappers could abduct or kill me, noting he wouldn’t had said such if he had not consumed some portion of traditional medicine for spiritual powers, urging others to emulate him in that aspect.

He also called on the State Government of each traditional rulers in the region to attach principal security like the heavily armed mobile police officers to the monarchs to secure them within and outside their palaces in order to put an end to the menace.

He said “What i want the traditional rulers to be doing is to take care of ourselves, you know what i am saying, we should take care of ourselves spiritually. We want the government to please give us security in our palace, when we are going out, if you see House of Rep members, senators, and other top government officials going out you see mobile police men with AK 47 with them.”

“We need mobile police security we need it, mean principal security. When they(kidnappers)see uniform, mobile police, with guns the fear of attack will be there. Our forefathers knows how they guide themselves spiritually. Look at Olu Iwo he said that can’t Kidnap him because has consumed something spiritually, i am not saying we should not be religious but we should not forsake our forefathers spiritual ways.”he noted

The traditional ruler also used the occasions to once again appealed to his subjects, people of the state and entire country, for abusing the naira by spraying money on fuji musician, Wasiu Ayinde, at his 13 coronation anniversary and wife’s birthday, insisting that such would never happen again.

“I want to appeal to my people and the people of Ogun State as well as the country about the way i spent naira on a musician my 13 coronation and the 60 years celebration of my wife’s birthday, i will never do that again” he added

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