
Troops still deployed in strategic locations after election – FG

…Warns naval officers against compromising national interest

Federal Government says though the 2023 general elections are over, the deployment of military personnel to strategic locations across the country is still ongoing.

Minister of Defence, Major General Bashir Magashi (retd.) stated this at the passing out parade and commissioning ceremony for special duty pre-commissioning training 2022 cadets at the Nigeria Naval College, Onne in Rivers State on Saturday.

Represented by the Chief of Naval Staff, Vice Admiral Awwal Gambo, the defense minister said the sustained deployment of troops was imperative, urging the armed forces not to rest on their laurels in the face of emerging security threats.

Addressing the new naval officers, he stated, “The 2023 general elections have just been concluded but deployment at strategic locations is still in place all over the nation.

“Some of you will be involved in this deployment to lead troops as part of military aid to civil authority. You must be professional and avoid acts that will put the arm forces in disrepute.

“It is worthy of note that Federal Government programmes and plans for the armed forces are aimed at providing hope and confidence for a better future.

“This is in the area of support through the availability of funds, equipment and welfare packages.”

Magashi congratulated the 156 cadets, including women who have successfully completed the ‘strenuous training’ which commenced six months ago, saying, they were joining the officers’ cadre at a time the nation needed the services of the armed forces to tackle the various security problems plaguing her.

The Defence Minister said, “Our nation is being challenged by asymmetric security threats which necessitated occasional engagement of the armed forces across different strata of operation.

“However, the good news is that there have been a number of successes recorded in a few years. There has been a number of successes recorded in the last few years.

“In this regard, I’m glad to observe that in addition to the substantial support to the sister services in some of this theatre of war, the Nigerian Navy has continued to sustain security across the Nigerian maritime domain.

“Expectedly, notable results are achieved in a reduction in piracy which culminated in delisting Nigeria from the international maritime list of piracy from countries involved in crude oil theft and loss with the exponential rise in crude oil production to about 1.7 million barrels.

“Certainly economic benefits of this feat by the Nigerian Navy is commendable.”

He said the feat would not have been achieved without the “dedication and patriotic commitment from personnel who displayed uncommon attitude, knowledge and skills acquired through pragmatic training from naval training institutions which you have all successfully gone through.”

The minister reminded them that the “President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces demands from you the passing cadets officers cadet loyalty, patriotism and unflinching support to constituted authority.”

He urged them to desist from any act that will compel the Nigerian Navy to use the arm of the law to correct their wrongdoing.

“Your personal interest must never override national interest. It is your utmost responsibility to always apply caution in your official and personal life and live within the ambit of the law,” he stated.

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