
‘Troops killed 974 terrorists, IPOB/ESN militants, others in Feb 2024’, says DHQ

On Thursday, the Defence Headquarters (DHQ) said that troops battling insecurity and other national threats, killed 974 terrorists, arrested 621, while 466 kidnapped hostages were rescued in the month of February 2024.

It said troops, during the operations, destroyed 85 illegal refining sites and denied the oil theft of a total sum of over N8 billion.

DHQ further revealed that troops recovered 1,573 assorted weapons, and 23,345 assorted ammunition.

The arms and ammunition captured in the various theatres include 640 AK47 rifles, 248 locally fabricated guns, 93 Pump Action guns, 168 Dane guns, 15,120 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo, 6,102 rounds of 7.62mm NATO, 512 rounds of 9mm and 2,132 live cartridges.

In the Niger Delta, a total of 8,993,245 litres of stolen crude oil, 1,062,635 litres of illegally refined AGO, 18,950 litres of DPK and 45,950 litres of PMS amongst others were denied oil criminals.

On details of the operations, the Director, Defence Media Operations highlighted, “In the South East, troops of Operation Udoka neutralized 21 terrorists, arrested 2 violent extremists and rescued 10 kidnapped hostages

“Troops recovered 4 AK47 rifles, 3 pump action guns, 7 automatic pump action guns, one fabricated pistol, one pistol, 2 revolver pistols, 2 hand held explosives, 158 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo, 89 rounds of 7.62mm NATO, 363 live cartridges, 29 rounds of 9mm ammo, 2 vehicles, and 5 motorcycles amongst other items.

“On 21 February 2024, troops while on patrol raided suspected violent extremists/IPOB/ESN hideouts in Izzi LGA of Ebonyi State. During the operation, 2 suspected violent extremists/IPOB members were arrested.

“On 21 and 22 February 2024, troops in separate operations arrested 3 suspected violent extremists/IPOB members in Izzi and Orsu LGAs of Ebonyi and Imo States respectively.

“During the operations, troops recovered 2 automatic pump action guns, one pistol, one Baofeng radio, 114 cartridges, 79 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo, 2 hand held explosive devises and 3 gas cylinder amomgst others.

“On 22 February 2024, troops responded to a distress call on activities of suspected violent extremists in Nkanu East LGA of Enugu State. During the operation, troops arrested 2 suspected violent extremists.

“On 26 February 2024, troops conducted a fighting patrol to a suspected IPOB/ESN hideout and made contact with insurgents in Oguta LGA of Imo State.

“Following a fire fight, troops neutralized 7 insurgents and recovered 5 automatic pump action guns, 2 revolver pistols, 249 live cartridges, 28 rounds of 9mm ammo, one vehicle and 3 mobile phones amongst others.

“On 25 February 2024, troops while on patrol responded to information on kidnapping incident in Igboeze North LGA of Enugu State. Troops made contact with violent extremists.

“Following a fire fight, troops neutralized 4 insurgents and rescued 10 kidnapped hostages. Troops recovered 3 AK47 rifles, 79 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo and one vehicle.

”Troops of Operation Delta Safe in the Niger Delta recovered 1, 28 million liters of stolen crude oil, 399,360 liters of illegally refined AGO, 4,100 liters of DPK and 39,150 liters of PMS.

“Additionally, Troops discovered and destroyed 51 dugout pits, 81 boats, 520 drums and 82 storage tanks. Other items recovered include 63 cooking ovens, one outboard engine, 2 pumping machines, 5 vehicles, 3 tricycles, 13 mobile phones and 85 illegal refining sites.

“Troops apprehended 63 suspected criminals of oil thefts and other violent extremists/insurgents. Troops also recovered 23 weapons and 235 ammunition amongst other items.

“Troops conducted raid operations and arrested suspected violent extremists/vandals in Oron and Onelga LGAs of Akwa Ibom and Rivers States respectively.

“Troops discovered and destroyed 64 dugout pits, 52 boats and 26 storage tanks. Other items recovered include 20 cooking ovens, 5 vehicles and 40 illegal refining sites.

“On 20 February 2024, troops in conjunction with NDLEA operatives raided a suspected violent extremists/drug peddlers’ hideout in Oron LGA Akwa Ibom State. During the operation, troops arrested 2 suspected violent extremists/drug peddlers.

“On 20 February 2024, troops with hybrid forces responded to pipeline vandalism incident in Onelga LGA of River State. During the operation, troops arrested 2 violent extremists/vandals.

“On 24 February 2024, troops on patrol responded to a distress call on kidnapping activities in Ika South LGA of Delta State. During the operation, troops arrested 3 suspected violent extremists/kidnappers.

“In the North West troops of Operation Whirl Punch neutralized 43 insurgents, arrested 34 violent extremists/terrorists and rescued 26 kidnapped hostages.

‘Troops recovered 18 AK47 rifles, 4 locally fabricated guns, 12 Dane guns, 2 fabricated pistol, 477 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo, 275 rounds of 7.62mm NATO, 76 rounds of 9mm ammo and, 64 rounds of 7.62 by 54 mm ammo, 6 magazines, 10 motorcycles, one baofeng radio and 7 mobile phones amongst other items.

“On 21 February 2024, troops while on patrol responded to a distress call on violent extremists/terrorist activities in Igabi LGA of Kaduna State.

”Following a fire fight, troops neutralized 7 insurgents and rescued 13 kidnapped hostages. Troops also recovered 4 fabricated guns, 3 dane guns, 82 rounds of 7.62mm NATO, 64 rounds of 7.62 x 54mm ammo, 4 motorcycles and 2 mobile phones amongst others.

“On 19 February 2024, following a tip-off, troops ambushed violent extremists/terrorists and made contact in Igabi LGA of Kaduna State.

“Following a fire fight, troops neutralized 17 insurgents and recovered 13 AK47 rifles, 2 dane guns, 2 locally fabricated pistols, 243 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo, 101 rounds of 7.62mm NATO, 76 rounds of 9mm ammo, 6 magazines, 4 motorcycles and 2 mobile phones.

“On 22 and 26 February 2024, troops with hybrid forces in separate operations conducted fighting patrols in Kauru, Lere and and Jema’a LGAs of Kaduna State leading to the arrest of 8 suspected violent extremists/kidnappers and rescue of one kidnapped hostage. Troops recovered 3 dane guns and 45 rounds of 7.62mm NATO.

“On 26 February 2024, troops while conducting fighting made contact with violent extremists/terrorists in Giwa LGA of Kaduna State. Following a fire fight, troops neutralized 4 insurgents and recovered 2 Dane guns, 15 rounds of 7.62mm NATO and 2 motorcycles.

“On 21 February 2024, troops conducted a search and rescue operation and made contact with terrorists in Igabi LGA of Kaduna State.

Following a fire fight, troops neutralized 7 terrorists and rescued 13 kidnapped hostages.

“Troops also recovered 5 AK47 rifles, one dane gun, 103 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo, 32 rounds of 7.62mm NATO, one baofeng radio, one mobile phone and the sum of N13,200.00 amongst other items.

“On 21 February 2024, troops on patrol arrested 6 suspected violent extremists/terrorists in Munya LGA of Niger State.

“On 23 February 2024, troops raided a suspected violent extremists/terrorists hideout and made contact in Igabi LGA of Kaduna State. Following a fire fight, troops neutralized 8 terrorists and recovered 123 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo and 2 mobile phones.

“Between 22 and 24 February 2024, troops in separate operations raided suspected violent extremists/terrorists hideouts and illegal mining sites in Bwari, Gwagwalada and AMAC Area Councils of FCT Abuja.

“During the operations, troops arrested 9 suspected violent extremists/informants and illegal miners.

“On 21 February 2024, following INTREP, the air component of Operation Wbirl Punch conducted air interdiction on violent extremists/terrorists kingpin Boderi Isyaku enclaves.

“The location was observed and subsequently attacked with rockets and cannons. Battle Damage Assessment revealed that several terrorists were neutralized including notorious kingpin and their structures destroyed.

“Additionally, following credible report on massing up of terrorists factions believed to be coalitions of the Kachalla Ardo and Alhaji Lawa Tsoho terrorists kingpins with intention of reprisal attack and burial arrangement of late terrorists kingpin Boderi in Chikun and Shiroro LGAs of Kaduna and Kogi States respectively.

“The air component of Operation WHIRL PUNCH conducted air interdiction on 23 February 2024. The locations were acquired and attacked with rockets and cannons. Battle Damage Assessment revealed several terrorists were neutralized and their structures destroyed.

“Troops of Operation Hadarin Daji neutralized 97 terrorists, arrested 25 terrorists and rescued 43 kidnapped hostages.

“Troops recovered 63 AK47 rifles, 18 locally fabricated guns, 3 fabricated pistols, 7 Dane guns, 1,144 rounds of 7.62mm special, 1,018 rounds of 7.62mm NATO, 16 rounds of 7.62mm NATO belted, 20 magazines, 32 motorcycles, 5 baofeng radios and 12 mobile phones amonsgt other items.

“On 19 February 2024, troops while on patrol foiled kidnapping incident in Danmusa LGA of Katsina State. During operation, troops rescued 14 kidnapped hostages.

“On 22 February 2024, troops while on fighting patrol made contact with terrorists in Kankara LGA of Katsina State. Following a fire fight, troops neutralized 13 terrorists and recovered 9 AK47 rifles, 4 fabricated rifles, 209 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo, 111 rounds of 7.62mm NATO, 6 motorcycles and 3 mobile phones amongst others.

“On 21 February 2024, troos in seperate operations responded to terrorist activities and made contact in Malumfashi and Kankara LGAs of Katsina State. Following a fire fight, troops neutralized 10 terrorists and 7 AK47 rifles, 2 fabricated guns, 3 dane guns, 123 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo, 89 rounds of 7.62mm NATO, one fabricated pistol, one baofeng radio and 5 motorcycles.

“On 23 February 2024, troops in separate operations responded to terrorist activities in Illela and Isa LGAs of Sokoto State as well as Gusau and Tsafe LGAs of Zamfara State.During the operations, troops arrested 13 suspects and rescued 5 kidnapped hostages.

“Troops of Operation Whil Stroke neutralized 15 violent extremists/terrorists, arrested 10 violent extremists and rescued 27 kidnapped hostage.

“Troops recovered 6 AK47 rifles, 2 G3 rifles, 2 pump action guns, 5 fabricated guns, 3 fabricated pistols, one fabricated revolver gun, 254 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo, 215 rounds of 7.62mm NATO, 56 rounds of 9mm ammo, 136 live cartridges, and 141 rounds of 7.62 x 54mm ammo.

“Troops of Operation Safe Haven in North Central neutralized 3 insurgents, arrested 27 violent extremists and one rescued kidnapped hostage.

“Troops recovered 10 fabricated guns, one fabricated pistol, 7 Dane guns, 517 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo, 71 rounds of 7.62mm NATO, 103 live cartridges, 67 empty cases of 7.62mm special, 2 motorcycles and 8 mobile phones amongst other items.

“Troops arrested suspected violent extremists, /gunrunners, conducted fighting patrol and clearance/rescued operation in Jema’a, Kaura and Lere LGAs of Kaduna State as well as Bassa and Barkin Ladi LGAs of Plateau State.

“Troops of Operation Hadin Kai in the North East neutralized 57 terrorists and arrested 13 BH/ISWAP terrorists.

“Troops recovered one GPMG, 55 AK47 rifles, 18 fabricated guns, 3 dane guns, one RPG tube, 2 RPG bombs, 6 hand grenades, 1,095 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo, 666 rounds of 7.62mm NATO, 194 rounds of 7.62 by 54mm ammo, 24 magazines, 25 motorcycles, 34 mobile phones and the sum of N310, 500.00 among others.

“Troops arrested suspected BH/ISWAP terrorists and intercepted surrendered ISWAP/JAS terrorists fighters in Bama, Monguno, Ngala, Konduga, Gwoza and Kukawa LGAs all in Borno State as well as Damaturu LGA of Yobe State.

”Following confirmatory ISR and INTREP on the massing up of terrorists including 3 commanders identified as Abacha, Bakura and Babangida in a suspected IED factory in the North West of Arina Woje.

“The air component of Operation Hadin Kai on 18 February 2024, conducted air interdiction on the location. Battle Damage Assessment revealed that several terrorists including the 3 commanders were neutralized and the IED factory also destroyed

Furthermore, Gen Buba said, “Certainly, if these terrorist groups don’t come to the table in peace. The armed forces will continue to punish them with overwhelming military force.

Recalling that the military “recently took delivery of additional air platform to further enhance our lethal capabilities” he said, “Contrary to the opinion of some, troops are making significant strides and recording notable successes in operations across the country. Though it might not seem so to some, the fact remains remarkable progress is being made.

“Overall, I urge citizens to endure today’s pain for our tomorrow’s gain. We should take solace in knowing that, It is all in a bit to make Nigeria great again.

“We can all begin in making Nigeria great again, by taking on the Celebrate Nigeria Challenge. I therefore throw open the Celebrate Nigeria Challenge.”

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