


Christopher Robinson is a successful business man, responsible family man and a reputable community individual.

Christopher is blessed with with a very understanding and successful wife named Charity.

The family is blessed with six successful children – A Chief Medical Director, an erudite Professor ( University Don ), a Permanent Secretary in a Federal Ministry, the First Lady of a State, an Ambassador of a Nation and a Musician of international repute.

One day, Christopher Robinson invited his lawyer and ordered him to file a divorce suit against his wife ( Charity ) with whom he had lived for over forty years.

What are the reasons for this divorce suit, the family lawyer asked. Christopher’s response was ‘ I need a change,’ let me try another woman ‘.

Everybody in the community was shocked by Christopher Robinson’s action. ‘What a senseless decision’ was the response of the Community Leader.

The children felt bad. The children were also ashamed of their father’s decision.

The family lawyer filed the divorce suit as instructed by his Principal.

The Magistrate swung into action. After carefully listening to the reasons put forward for the divorce, the Magistrate went for a short break and later came out to pronounce the following :

  1. Christopher Robinson must be put through a Psychiatric test immediately.

The word ‘ CHANGE ‘ is not a sufficient and significant reason to halt a purposeful , progressful and successful relationship.

The Magistrate later ordered the children to always conduct a routine psychiatric tests on their father to avoid future embarrassment.

The Ijebu North, Ijebu East, Ogun Waterside Federal Constituency is blessed with a very hardworking Representative in the House of Representatives.

Our Representative in the Green Chamber of the National Assembly is so passionate about the rapid infrastructural developments of the entire communities within the Federal Constituency.

The Rt. Honorable Prince Abdel-Majid Adesegun Adekoya (ATTACKER) is hardworking , resourceful, purposeful, efficient, sufficient and results-oriented.

The union / relationship between Prince Adekoya and his constituents has been very rewarding and yielding numerous unprecedented achievements in the areas of Education, Health, Agriculture, Sports, Empowerments, Trainings, Infrastructural developments , Youths Emancipation etc.

The word CHANGE is not a sufficient ground to halt our common progress and developments.

We won’t want to be taken through a Psychiatric Test.

The deaf are seeing it , the blinds are feeling it and detractors are only pretending.

‘ATTACKER is working’ is the popular slogan.

Anybody who mentions CHANGE must be checked upstairs.

I learnt that any First Timer in the House of Representatives will not have more than two hundred million naira budget as his / her Constituency Projects.

A First-Timer can’t be appointed to head any House Committee not to talk of being appointed as a Principal Officer.

For GOD’s sake, what can two hundred million naira do in all the numerous ongoing Federal projects within the Federal Constituency – Oni Ultra-modern Jetty, Iwopin Ultra-modern Jetty, Ijebu Mushin ultra-modern Market, Ago Iwoye City Stadium, Ijebu- Igbo Heritage Centre ( Orimolusi Palace ) etc.

The proposed Federal College of Education (Technical) AKO, Ago – Iwoye, Federal College of Entrepreneurship and Skills Acquisition, Ijebu – Ife and all other ongoing Legacy Projects should never be left to suffer.

Again, anybody who mentions CHANGE must be put through Psychiatric Test.

The good people of Ijebu North, Ijebu East, Ogun Waterside Federal Constituency can’t withstand the pains of abandoned projects, hence the need for us to continue to rally round Rt. Honorable Prince Abdel-Majid Adesegun Adekoya ( ATTACKER ), a Principal Officer in the position of the Deputy Minority Whip beyond 2023.

The various uncommon advantages that our Federal Constituency is currently enjoying should not be allowed to be washed away by the few disgruntled elements who are only aspiring for selfish reasons.


.Nodiru is Special Assistant Media to the Deputy Minority Whip

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