
Thanksgiving: For Boss and Nigeria, in Yola, God was praised by Nigerians

Tom Garba

A mirror verse in one of the holy books avers that; “Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof; and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit.” Philosophically, in life, endings are better than beginnings, and sticking to a noble cause is better than standing out. This is the best description of Barr Boss Mustapha CFR, the immediate past Secretary to the Government of the Federation (SGF), Nigeria, who had a good ending to his tenure.

On the successful completion of his tenure as the SGF alongside his boss, ex-President Muhammadu Buhari, encomiums have been pouring in, and people from all walks of life continue to heap praises on Boss Mustapha, describing him as a mentor and godly leader with unparalleled features. This is an honour for the deserved. Notable Nigerians joined the Adamawa people in giving thanks to God for the successful performance of an icon in public office.

This was what happened last Saturday in Yola, Adamawa State Capital, at the St Monica’s Cathedral of the Lutheran Church of Christ in Nigeria (LCCN), where the Adamawa Archbishop, Most Reverend Musa Panti Filibus, and President Lutheran World Federation, in appreciation to God, organised a special thanksgiving service for sustaining Boss Mustapha to complete six years’ SGF stewardship to Nigerians. He encouraged him to continue his good works for the benefit of mankind while challenging other leaders to emulate Boss’ exemplary leadership and lifestyle.

The journey started on October 30th, 2017 when President Muhammadu broke the news of his appointment as the new SGF, an office he held, and worked meritoriously in the overall interest of the Nigerian masses. The herculean job of the SGF office is more than what one can imagine, Boss Mustapha attested to this fact and revealed to worshipers that he saw the hand of God throughout his service to the nation.

The agog weekend in Yola was more of “casting crowns, bowing hearts, and lifting hands was all they came to do” in honor and giving adoration to God by hundreds of people in and outside Adamawa State. God received the honour on behalf of Boss and a show of love to the people was depicted to understand that the former SGF was not the kind of leader that when the game is over, both the king and the pawn return to the same box. He returned home with honor, dignity, and acceptability. He is not the same used and none functional bulb, he left office with a radiant light of a good politician and a man of the masses.

The journey started on October 30th, 2017 when President Muhammadu broke the news of his appointment as the new SGF, an office he held, and worked meritoriously in the overall interest of the Nigerian masses. The herculean job of the SGF office is more than what one can imagine, Boss Mustapha attested to this fact and revealed to worshipers that he saw the hand of God throughout his service to the nation

Boss was adorned as a good man, a great leader in Nigeria who is still relevant to support the country’s course of destiny. Boss’ personality was described that he is not like a used and finished bulb. He exited the office of the SGF with a high voltage of light and glitters around him in glory to God. Boss got the honour of being prayed upon with his family, and on his behalf the glory was returned to God, having the beauty of a rising sun. The testimonies were poured on the immediate past SGF that he has a good name, which is better than precious oil; and always wants to maintain that till the day of death.

Yola was agog as prominent Nigerians joined Adamawa elite in the thanksgiving, as a delegation of former President Goodluck Jonathan, Dr. Goodbless Azipa and former Vice President Yemi Osibanjo, Senator Babajide Omoworare were in attendance and joined Adamawa people to thank God on behalf of their illustrious son. Encomiums were poured in from eminent Nigerians on Boss, who is instrumental to both the economic and spiritual growth of the country.

It was a victory that the Herculean task of the SGF office made Boss a strong Man who attempted to encapsulate a rhapsody of the embodiment of a decent politician, a lawyer, and a pastor, all in one piece. It’s such a huge task, to say the least. Congratulating him to have done well.

The encomiums on him continue to flow as a rare breed politician and highly cerebral personality. To a large extent, he is a pride to humanity and many see him as a Man with accuracy and diction, but I call him God’s general, a public administrator par excellence, and an ambassador of decent politics in our present-day generation.

A Man who provided exemplary leadership for the younger generation by steering the engines of economic growth, wealth creation, vision, and opportunities while the SGF. As an astute lawyer and politician who has continued to lead by example, he has been a support system for innovation and all-round development, especially during the covid-19 lockdown. Some of us know him as highly cerebral and divinely endowed with wit and wisdom, and of course, gifted with a very good wife to match. With the full support of former President Muhammadu Buhari, he has impacted the growth of the economy.

The current SGF, H.E Senator George Akuma, Deputy Speaker House of Representatives, Mr. Benjamin Kalu alongside some members of the House of Representatives, former Chief of Defense Staff, General Lucky Irabor, immediate past Governors of Plateau and Kebbi States, Simon Lalong and Atiku Bagudu, Gombe State Deputy Governor, Dr. Manassah Daniel Jatau, all were in attendance to thank God for the selfless service rendered to Nigerians by Boss Mustapha.

The Host Governor, Rt. Hon. Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri gave an astonishing speech and described Boss as a dedicated statesman and selfless public servant who sacrificed and prioritized the nation’s interests. A True Statesman, Committed And Selfless Public Servant.

A Man who provided exemplary leadership for the younger generation by steering the engines of economic growth, wealth creation, vision, and opportunities while the SGF. As an astute lawyer and politician who has continued to lead by example, he has been a support system for innovation and all-round development, especially during the covid-19 lockdown. Some of us know him as highly cerebral and divinely endowed with wit and wisdom, and of course, gifted with a very good wife to match. With the full support of former President Muhammadu Buhari, he has impacted the growth of the economy

What a Man! What a nature of a good Man! Indeed, God uses men to move and to interfere in the affairs of men. Boss is God’s vessel, using him as a scepter in his girdle, an oracle voicing out His intention to Mankind. He is one of those men in whom God’s grace is located.

For this, the former SGF has unraveled a foundation by the name Gidahyel in memory of his late Father that will support orphans and the less privileged in society with board members, and directors in the likes of Engr Musa Nimrod, to chart a good course for the upliftment of mankind, especially the Youth and the downtrodden.

. Tom Garba is a Journalist, a political analyst, and an opinion writer. He writes from Yola-Adamawa State, and he can be reached through these means:

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