
TAMPAN laments deaths of Nollywood actors, as Mukaila Adedigba adds to list

The Theatre Arts and Motion Pictures Practitioners’ Association of Nigeria (TAMPAN) has expressed deep sorrow over the passing of Mukaila Adedigba, and Wasiu Adegbenro, describing it as a devastating loss for the association.

Bolaji Amusan, the National President of TAMPAN, released a statement on Monday in Lagos to convey the association’s condolences.

Amusan extended heartfelt sympathies to the families of the departed colleagues and offered prayers for them, asking that God grant them the strength to bear the loss during this difficult time.

The loss of Mukaila Adedigba, and Wasiu Adegbenro is deeply felt within the TAMPAN community, and they will be remembered for their contributions to the theatre arts and motion pictures industry in Nigeria.

The statement read, “TAMPAN received with shock and great disbelief the sad news of the untimely departure of popular Nollywood stars, Murphy Afolabi, Mukaila Adedigba, Wasiu Adegbenro and the English actor, Saint Obi.

“The news came to us as a rude shock at this time when TAMPAN is intensifying efforts toward improving the welfare of members and the quality of life of the Nigerian artists.

“We pray that God grants them all eternal rest,” he said.

Amusan expressed deep concern over the alarming rise in untimely deaths among TAMPAN members and other individuals in the creative industry. He emphasized the need for TAMPAN members and Nigerian artists in general to prioritize their health and well-being.

Amusan urged TAMPAN members to take proactive measures in taking care of their health, including regular check-ups, adopting healthy lifestyles, and seeking medical attention when necessary. He emphasized that the creative industry thrives when its members are in good health, both physically and mentally.

The TAMPAN president called for increased awareness and education on health-related issues within the industry, including the importance of early detection and seeking professional medical advice. He emphasized that the well-being of artists should not be taken for granted and should be given the attention it deserves.

Amusan concluded by encouraging TAMPAN members to support and look out for one another’s health, fostering a culture of care and well-being within the association.

“These sad incidences necessitate another clarion call to all members of our association and Nigerian artistes in general to pay close attention to their health.

“It is also very important at this time to admonish all individuals within the creative sector in Nigeria to create time for recreation and take time off once in a while from work,” he said.

Nollywood recently lost Saint Obi, aged 57, to a prolonged illness, while Murphy Afolabi, aged 49, tragically passed away due to complications from a slip in the bathroom on Sunday. Mukaila Adedigba and Wasiu Adegbenro, a renowned sound recordist known as “Techno,” died on May 13 and May 14 respectively.

Their untimely deaths have left the entertainment industry and their colleagues devastated.

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