
Study leave: Don’t allow Emefiele escape from Nigeria, Matawalle tells Buhari

… says CBN Gov must account for his actions

Zamfara State Governor, Bello Matawalle, on Monday, asked President Muhammadu Buhari to cancel the study leave allegedly granted the Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria, Godwin Emefiele.

Emefiele was recently allegedly granted a study leave by Buhari.

But Matawalle in his reaction in a statement on Monday, said Buhari had demonstrated that he’s a patriot, democrat and a man of impeccable integrity and character.

He added that the President had also demonstrated good faith by showing his readiness for a seamless transfer of power to his successor, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu.

The Zamfara governor, however, noted that some officials in the Buhari administration had acted otherwise.

He stated, “President Buhari and his wife, Aisha Buhari have shown good faith and shown they want a seamless, orderly and peaceful transfer of power to the incoming administration.

“They are eager to ensure that the new regime takes off smoothly and speedily and in a manner devoid of any encumbrance in the interest of our country.

“This is the right thing to do and I commend President Buhari and his wife for their statesmanly conduct.

“However, other officers in the government have acted in a different manner. They are behaving as if they want to put spanners in the works for the incoming regime.

“President Buhari should not allow this. He should frown at any attempt by any person seeking to damage the good job he has done.

“I want, here and now, to urge President Buhari to not approve any study leave or whatever kind of leave for any officer critical to the take-off of the incoming administration of Asíwájú Bola Ahmed Tinubu.

“One of such persons that has been speculated in the media to have sought a study leave is Central Bank of Nigeria Governor Godwin Emefiele.

“If the leave has been approved, as reported in the media, the President should cancel it in the interest of peaceful transfer of power, accountability and good governance.”

Matawalle said Emefiele implemented “a disastrous naira swap”, adding that the apex bank governor must be made to account for all that transpired under his watch to the incoming administration.

Matawalle added, “CBN Governor Emefiele superintended over the management of the country’s financial and monetary systems. He is the one who initiated and implemented the recent disastrous naira swap policy, the naira confiscation programme, which put Nigerians through untold woes and trauma and set our economy backwards.

“Two of my brother-governors and I took the Federal Government to court over this ill-advised policy and fought resolutely until we got a respite for our people from Emefiele and company.

“This same Emefiele now wants to proceed on study leave when he has some 10 months left of his tenure apparently in a bid to evade rendering accounts. This is unacceptable.

“President Buhari should not countenance this. Emefiele must stay at his job to give full accounts of all that transpired under his watch to the incoming administration.

“He must answer all the questions the new regime may have for him, particularly when he still has some months left of his tenure.”

The Zamfara governor also asked the President not to approve foreign postings or grant any foreign travels to any officer at any level in the outgoing government.

He added, “I’m aware that some officers in the outgoing government are moving to surreptitiously leave the country at this critical time they are needed to answer to specific questions, though I would not want mention their names here.

“President Buhari should not heed their inordinate and unpatriotic plan. These plans are dangerous and devilish. They show clearly that these officers have something to hide.

“This must be halted immediately. Any plan to evade rendering accounts is neither in the interest of accountability, transparency and anti-corruption.”

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