
Speaker disowns aide over interview disparaging Buhari

Speaker Tajudeen Abbas has disowned an interview by one of his aides saying he simply expressed a personal and not authorised opinion.

In a statement by his Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Musa Kirshi, the Speaker said the views expressed in the interview by the aide remains his personal views.

Abbas Adviser, Godfrey Gaiya, disparaged former President Muhammadu Buhari in an interview with a national daily, saying the former President promoted rather than fight corruption.

When asked what he tell the former President if they come face to face, Gaiya said: “I will bluntly tell him that he failed. I will tell him Buhari you have failed. He deceived Nigerians into believing that he is all righteous but behind his so-called righteousness was hellish corruption.

“We have seen and we will still see the number of people that became multi-billionaires under Buhari. If you don’t fight corruption or turn the other side when you see evil, allowing the evil to continue, when you are supposed to be in charge and call them to order, you have failed. So, Buhari failed Nigeria in many areas. We are the highest indebted nation in Africa under eight years of Buhari’s administration”.

However, in his statement, the Speaker said’ “It has come to the attention of the Speaker, House of Representatives, Rt. Hon. Tajudeen Abbas (PhD), that one of his aides granted an interview to a national daily in which he made some unsuitable comments.

“For the record, the said aide, by the name Hon. Godfrey Gaiya, did not have the imprimatur of the Speaker to grant such an interview. Therefore, the comments made were those of Godfrey Gaiya and not Speaker Tajudeen Abbas.

“For the avoidance of doubt, Speaker, Rt. Hon. Tajudeen Abbas (PhD), has a Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, who serves as his spokesman. All official statements from the Speaker come from his spokesman.

“It is pertinent to mention that the Speaker has tremendous respect for and enjoys same from former President, Muhammadu Buhari, and the immediate past Governor of Kaduna State, Malam Nasir Ahmed El-rufai, and will not say or do anything that will negatively affect his good relationship with them.

“The public should take note.”
(The Nation)

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