
RTEAN approves NEC dissolution, Osakpamwan seeks re-election

…as state chairmen join forces with Eriyo

Ben Peters, Abuja

It was a day of decision for members of the National Executive Council of Road Transport Employers Association of Nigeria, (RTEAN) approved the dissolution of the National Executive Committee of the body following the expiration of its tenure.

The dissolution was presided over by the out-going Executive National President, Comrade Osakpamwan Eriyo, in Abuja.

NEC also approved the endorsement of five delegates from each state of the Federation.

The resolution letter made available to newsmen and addressed to the Minister of Labour and Employment, Dr Chris Ngige, and signed by Executive National President, Comrade Osakpamwan Eriyo, Alhaji Ahmed Kuku, National treasurer , and Deputy National President, (Operation ) Comrade Anere Afam Celestine.

The body also resolved and appointed Comrade Augustine Olajide Akhigbe as the acting National President; Secretary, Comrade Anere Afam Celestine; Comrade Ahmed Kuku Chika Odoenmna and Hon Yau Abubakar Kajuru as members of the caretaker committee to oversee the activities of the association pending a new delegates conference to take place to elect new NEC members.

Meanwhile, the outgoing Executive National President, Osakpamwan Eriyo, had indicated interest to re-contest the office of Executive National President and thanked members for their support and cooperation in the last four years and promised to move the association to greater heights if returned back to office.

Osakpamwan said, “First and foremost, let me thank my RTEAN members for supporting and standing with me to this very moment because it is not everyone that can spearhead union’s affairs to this extent after four years.

“Now that our tenure has elapsed, everybody that has interest is free to contest because it is not my father’s property but with the leadership I had brought to bear in the last four years my members are happy with me in building this union from the scratch to this enviable height.

“I also want to appeal to my members to support me as I seek to go for second term to consolidate on my first term successes. Iam appealing to all my members to support me to move the association forward to make the union greater in the transportation industry and if elected again I will ensure that all aggrieved members are brought together to foster greater unity as one indivisible entity”.

Meanwhile, state Chairmen of the Association in their unanimous decision decided to pick tents with the President of RTEAN , comrade Eriyo Osakpamwan.

The Chairmen also sound serious warning to about three state Chairmen that attended a gathering at the Airforce resource center, Abuja.

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