
Reps welcome reduction in electricity tarrif, says there is more to be done

The House of Representatives said it welcome the reduction in electricity tarrif by about 8 percent by the Nigeria Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC), while insisting however that there is more to be done.

The House had at plenary on Tuesday, April 30 asked the Commission to reverse the tarrif increase while setting up a high powered committee to hold a public hearing with stakeholders in the sector and organised Labour.

The special committee set up by the House is made up of the Committees on Power, Commerce, Delegated Legislation and National Planning with the task of organising a well-structured hearing on the price regulation of Nigerian Electricity Supply Industry (NESI).

Those expected at the hearing are Minister of Power, Chairman and Commissioners of NERC, the chief executives of electricity distribution and generation companies in Nigeria, Presidents of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and the Trade Union Congress (TUC), as well as leaders of chambers of commerce Nigeria.

Spokesman of the House, Akintunde Rotimi (APC, Ekiti) told The National on phone on Monday that the House was going ahead with the planned public hearing which the House believe will profer lasting solution to frequent increase in tarrif.

He said that the House also intend to explore possible legislative means to ensirwy that the iasue is addressed to the satisfaction of all Nigerians.

He also said that the House will stand by the comment of the Speaker, Abbas Tajudeen at the recently organised summit on the power sector and was working round the clock to ensure that the issues surrounding the constant increase are addressed.

Rotimi said that the House was, looking beyond the current increase in tarrif, adding that while the reduction ia welcomed, it is looking forward to better actions in the coming days.

(The Nation)

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