
Professor Bankole Olusiji Oke, 1953 – 2021: A very painful exit!


Before the year 2021 runs out, I owe it a duty to Allah and posterity to pay a resounding tribute to the memory of my teacher, friend, mentor, compatriot and imitable brother, Professor Bankole Olusiji Oke (Banky Oke), who transited to the great beyond on August 10, 2021. In fact, it is with utmost sadness and grief to pay a tribute today to a very special person, Professor Bankole Olusiji Oke, who was remarkable in many ways. He lived his life to the full and positively touched many people’s lives during his sojourn here with us. I have a kaleidoscope of memories that I will always carry with me about him – memories that define Banky; memories that I will always hold dear. I hereby share some of the special memories that I have of Banky – memories that personify him and his life well-lived.

Professor Oke was former Dean, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Ibadan; former Member of the Veterinary Council of Nigeria and a two-term member of the University of Ibadan Governing Council. His untimely sobering, and if not highly provocative death just two years before his forthcoming retirement at 70 has brought uncontrollable tears out of my cheeks and those of many others since the day of his transition, until he was finally laid to rest and even up till now. I had looked forward to celebrating him at 70 as I did when he turned 65, three years ago, for which he rewarded me handsomely.

I had a most cordial relationship with him and his amiable wife, Professor Gbemisola Oke. I was one of the ten people that the wife invited on March 31st, this year, when she threw a classy and exclusive dinner to mark her husband’s birthday, ostensibly to set the pace for the big one that was never to be. However, in all things, we must give thanks to God.

Oga Banky Oke was my teacher in Veterinary Anatomy in 1981; then, he himself was just a new lecturer, having just left Ogun State services as a Veterinary Officer. He made indelible impacts on me by his manner of teaching delivery, pedagogical skills, punctuality in classes and great scholarly disposition. My close relationship with him, which commenced in my preclinical year, extended to my clinical years, and even after my graduation, when we became colleagues as Faculty members.

As Dean, Oga Banky achieved a lot; he united the faculty, made peace with everyone, and he was always a delight with Solomonic wisdom when presiding at the Faculty board and other statutory meetings. I had thought that he would rise to become the Vice-Chancellor of the University; man proposes, but God disposes. We were both elected to the University Governing Council in 2007; he represented the Senate, while I was a Congregation representative. He spoke with finesse, utmost dignity and personal conviction; he was also management-inclined in submissions. Oftentimes, we disagreed on issues, but he never looked down on me. On two thorny issues that concerned an academic and senior non-academic staff, the then Chairman of Council, Chief Wole Olanipekun, SAN, decided to put the matter to a vote by show of hands. Oga Banky voted in support of the majority of the internal members of the Council. The rest is history today.

Oga Banky was social, approachable, convivial and sociable; he was/is well respected across the strata of the University. I feel that I have lost not only a friend and mentor but someone who has been a brother to me for more than three decades.

It is saddening to note that in the year 2021 death took away a number of intellectual giants on the University of Ibadan campus. As I mourn the death of Banky, I mourn the loss of a noble friend, brother, colleague, former dean, a jolly good fellow and a humanist. I try my best to empathise with the incalculable loss to his family, whom he loved so dearly. However, the sadness I feel is great. In fact, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine has lost not only an intellectual juggernaut, a quintessential scholar, an adorable friend and a kind-hearted brother but someone who served the Faculty and the University of Ibadan meritoriously for about four decades.
As we think of Banky today, let us all have the strength to say:

Thy kingdom come, thy will be done. Thanks for everything Banky. Your family, friends, colleagues and the world will love you forever.
It may comfort us all a bit to realise that someday we’ll all be together again when we cross over to the other side. This is only a brief parting in the larger scheme of life. Oga Banky’s departure has left a big vacuum in the socio-political and academic spheres of the University of Ibadan. May your gentle soul continue to rest in perfect peace.
Ire o.

. Dr Gani Adeniran is of the Department of Veterinary Pathology, University of Ibadan.

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