
Pray for Nigeria’s healing, restoration, Peter Obi urges Christians

Presidential candidate of the Labour Party (LP) in the 2023 elections, Peter Obi, has urged Christians to dedicate the remaining days of the Lenten season to fervent prayer for Nigeria’s healing and restoration.

In a message shared on his social media handle on Sunday, Obi emphasized the significance of the holy week as a time for reflection and spiritual renewal amidst Nigeria’s myriad challenges.

“As we navigate through the complexities of our national reality, it is imperative that we seek divine intervention in the affairs of our nation,” Obi stated. “The Lenten season provides us with an opportune moment to lift up our nation in prayer and supplication.”

Expressing empathy for those affected by the prevailing insecurity and economic hardships, Obi noted, “The hearts of many are heavy with pain, grieving the loss of their dear ones due to the high level of insecurity in the nation.”

He further highlighted the plight of families grappling with hunger and economic uncertainty, stressing the need for unity and solidarity in addressing Nigeria’s pressing issues.

“Let us, therefore, present our nation to God for healing and restoration, in this Holy Week, so that as we labour, as humans, for the New Nigeria, it will become even more possible,” Obi urged.

Holy week, spanning from Palm Sunday to Easter Saturday, holds deep significance in the Christian calendar, symbolizing the journey from Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem to his crucifixion and resurrection.

As Christians worldwide observe this sacred period, Obi’s call for prayer underscores the importance of faith-based initiatives in fostering national unity, resilience, and hope amidst adversity.

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