
Okuama: How soldiers raided my country home in search of arms —Edwin Clark

Former Federal Commissioner for Information and South South Leader, Chief Edwin Clark, has revealed a harrowing ordeal where soldiers raided his country home in Kiagbodo, Delta State, by both land and air in search of arms. The incident, which occurred on Saturday, 23rd March, 2024, has sparked outrage and calls for accountability.

Clark recounted the distressing events during a press briefing at his Asokoro Residence in Abuja on Tuesday, shedding light on the brazen invasion by armed soldiers. He described how approximately 30 to 40 soldiers arrived in five trucks, forcefully breaking open doors and conducting a thorough search of the premises, including his late brother’s residence.

The Southern and Middle Belt Leaders Forum Leader expressed deep concern over the military’s actions, particularly the invasion of his home without proper verification of ownership. He emphasized the need for a Commission of Inquiry into the killing of 16 officers and men of the 181 Amphibious Battalion in Okuama, Ughelli South Local Government Area of Delta State.

Clarke’s call for accountability and justice resonates with many who view the raid as a violation of his rights and an abuse of power by the military. The incident raises questions about the rule of law and the need for transparency in security operations.

In his own words, Clark stated, “At about 6 pm on Saturday, 23rd March, 2024, I got a telephone call from someone who identified himself as the commanding officer Nigerian Army, Division in Port Harcourt. He said that a tracker of the Nigerian Army had tracked one Mr. Vote, the community chairman of Okuoma Community, whom the Army was looking for in respect of the killings of the 17 men of the Nigerian Army, to a house in Ughelli; and that the military men had broken into the house, ransacked it, before they were informed that the house belongs to me, that he was very sorry and apologizing to me on behalf of the Army.”

Clark’s recount of the events underscores the gravity of the situation and the need for a thorough investigation into the actions of the military personnel involved.

As calls for a thorough investigation mount, Clark remains resolute in seeking justice for the violation of his privacy and dignity. The incident serves as a stark reminder of the challenges faced by individuals who dare to speak out against injustice and demand accountability from those in power.

The Nigerian Army’s response to these allegations will be closely monitored, as the public awaits assurances that such incidents will not be repeated and that those responsible will be held accountable.

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