
Northern youth leader expresses fears, says PDP may collapse

…calls for unity to save party

Tom Garba, Yola

National President of the Northern Youth Leadership Forum (NYLF), Comrade Afiyo Elliot, has called on the stakeholders, loyal members and supporters of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) to unite in order to save the party from collapse.

Afiyo in a Press conference in Lafia, Nasarawa State warned that due to incessant internal feud, the party may collapse sooner than later.

He addressed journalists on some national issues especially on the regrettable and retrogressive political scheming in PDP) and the Labour Party (LP).

“We are highly concerned because if these political gangsterism and despotism are not properly checked, curtailed and contained, Nigeria will become a One-Party State, the consequences of which cannot be imagined.” Afiyo said

He continued to say that the LP’s crisis is internal and self- inflicted, but that of the PDP is a deliberate and bracing efforts by the external forces through unscrupulous elements in the Party who considered their political interest and relevance above the National interest:

“We have observed with great dismay the efforts of these political opportunists in destroying whatever the Nation has benefitted through democratic Governments. This is why we have been consulting with the Stakeholders in PDP starting with the North – Central Zone of the Country, to ensure equitable distribution of National Offices to guarantee justice and equity which are the basic democratic ingredients necessary for checks and balances, critical and constructive opposition which is needed to propel the Government to always ensure accountability, secures and guarantees our fundamental Rights.

“We are highly amazed and disgusted that since the removal of Dr. Iyorchia Ayu as the National Chairman of the PDP getting to almost a year now, a substantive Chairman has not been appointed or elected because of the activities of some of these Moles within the Party who are bent on controlling the Party for their selfish political interest to pleasing their Pay Masters.”

Afiyo placed a cogent demand that the Office of the National Chairman of the PDP should as a matter of urgency, be ceded or returned to the North-Central Zone without further delay.

According to him it’s a necessity that can guarantee a balanced and equitable involvement and participation of all the critical Stakeholders.

He lamented how strong members in the last two weeks unprecedented critical stakeholders put on their resignations from the PDP.

“The intelligence report we received so far, these stakeholders have successfully contacted and convinced many stakeholders to resign from the PDP. If this trend is allowed, the PDP will
surely collapse in few months, the consequences of which the Nation may face in the next seven years, may not be compared to what is happening in South Korea or what happened during the apartheid rule in South Africa.

“To this end, we will reiterate our call on all well- meaning Nigerians especially the NEC Members of the PDP from the North – Central to rise to the challenge and ensure that their political entitlements are given to them as a right not an obligation. The position of the National Chairman must be given to the North – Central Zone without further delay.

“On our part, we will always ensure that all Geopolitical Zones are fairly represented. If the NEC of the PDP fails to effect the changes required or needed within two weeks, then the PDP will face the political consequences in no distant future. This is not a threat but a command that will guarantee the security, safety and sustenance of Democratic rule in Nigeria.” Afiyo stated.

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