
Northern traditional rulers appeal for calm amid Kano Emirate crisis

The Northern Traditional Rulers’ Council, led by the Sultan of Sokoto, has issued a plea for peace and restraint amidst escalating tension in Kano State following recent developments in the Emirate.

The unrest ensued following the dissolution of five emirates and the reinstatement of Alhaji Muhammadu Sanusi as Emir of Kano, sparking a wave of uncertainty and anxiety across the state.

Governor Abba Yusuf’s signing of the new emirates council law, which effectively dissolved all five emirates, was met with mixed reactions.

The directive for the deposed emirs to vacate official residences and hand over properties to the Commissioner for Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs, who also serves as Deputy Governor, further intensified the situation.

However, the return of Alhaji Aminu Ado Bayero, one of the dethroned emirs, from his absence outside the state, added a new layer of complexity.

He swiftly established himself in a mini palace in Nassarawa, prompting Governor Yusuf to order his arrest. Yet, the police, in adherence to a court order halting Sanusi’s reinstatement, refrained from taking action.

As Sanusi resumed his duties from the main palace and Bayero asserted his presence in Nassarawa, concerns over potential clashes and heightened tensions loomed large.

Various stakeholders, including former Vice-President Atiku Abubakar, clerics, civil society organisations, and others, have called upon President Bola Tinubu to intervene urgently and defuse the brewing crisis.

In light of the precarious situation, the Northern Traditional Rulers’ Council issued a statement on Sunday, appealing for calm and restraint amidst the ongoing turbulence in Kano State.

“The Northern Traditional Ruling Council under the Chairmanship of His Eminence the Sultan of Sokoto notes with concern the situation in Kano as it affects our revered institution.

“The Council with all sense of responsibility calls for restraint on the part of the disputants in the interest of peace and stability moreso as the matter as the matter has reportedly gone to Court and is therefore sub-judice.

“The Council prays Almighty Allah for peace to reign in Kano in particular and Nigeria in general,” the statement read partly.

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