
Nationwide strike escalates as ASUU joins Labour unrest

The ongoing nationwide strike, spearheaded by the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and the Trade Union Congress (TUC), has intensified with the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) directing its members to join the industrial action.

The decision, announced by ASUU President, Emmanuel Osodeke, comes in response to the government’s failure to conclude the renegotiation of minimum wage for Nigerian workers and reverse the hike in electricity tariffs.

In a statement addressed to branch chairmen and zonal coordinators of the association, Osodeke underscored the necessity of solidarity with the broader labour movement.

He emphasized ASUU’s commitment to advocating for the welfare of its members and the broader interests of Nigerian workers.

“Our branches are hereby enjoined to join in the strike action as an affiliate member of Congress. Consequently, Branch Chairpersons are to mobilize all members to participate in the strike action,” the statement affirmed.

The decision by ASUU to align with the nationwide strike underscores the growing discontent among various sectors of society over the government’s handling of critical economic issues. The failure to reach a resolution on the minimum wage and electricity tariffs has galvanized labour unions and stakeholders across the country, precipitating a unified call for action.

The inclusion of ASUU in the strike amplifies the pressure on the government to urgently address the grievances of workers and prioritize the welfare of citizens. As the strike enters a new phase with the involvement of academic institutions, the impact on the education sector and broader socio-economic landscape is expected to be significant.

With ASUU’s participation, the nationwide strike assumes a broader dimension, reflecting a unified front against perceived injustices and inequalities in the Nigerian socio-economic framework.

As stakeholders await further developments, the urgency for constructive dialogue and decisive action to address the root causes of the unrest becomes paramount.

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