
Nasarawa Police sack DPO soliciting for logistic support


The Nigeria Police in Nasarawa State have removed a Divisional Police Officer, ( DPO ) from his post for alleged extortion of hoteliers.

The State Commissioner of Police, Adesina Soyemi, ordered the removal of the DPO of Divisional officer of Ombi 1 in Lafia, the state’s capital, Ugochukwu Theodore, a superintendent of Police.

The state’s police spokesperson, Ramhan Nansel, an assistant superintendent of Police, said, “The attention of the Nasarawa State Police Command has been drawn to a letter with the above caption, written by the Divisional Police officer, Ombi 1, Lafia to Hoteliers and private business owners soliciting for funds to fix the patrol vehicle recently given to the Division by the Commissioner of Police, CP Adesina Soyemi.

“The act of the Divisional Police officer came to the Commissioner of Police as a shock. The fact is that, the Commissioner of Police CP Adesina Soyemi with his vast operational knowledge, magnanimously provided Ombi 1 Division with a brand new Toyota Hilux patrol vehicle to enable the Division carry out vigorous patrols of the general area and deter the criminal elements from carrying out their nefarious activities.

“The vehicle given was new and without any fault; it doesn`t require any electrical/welding works, neither does it require new tyres.

” In view of the foregoing, the Commissioner of Police has issued the Divisional officer Ombi1 SP Ugochukwu Theodore an official query and ordered his removal from the Division.

“The Commissioner of Police however calls on Hoteliers and private business owners at Ombi 1 Lafia to go about their lawful businesses without fear of witch hunt from anybody and assured them that, security will be maximally provided.” He said

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