
MNCHW: Nigeria contributes 15% of global maternal deaths annually

Segun Babatunde, Bauchi

The Bauchi State Commissioner of Health, Dr Sabiu Abdu Gwalabe has disclosed that the Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS2018), Nigeria has the second highest burden of maternal mortality in the world and contributes to approximately 15 per cent of the annual total of global maternal deaths.

The Commissioner also said that most of the maternal deaths are caused by haemorrhage, infection, toxemia, anaemia, obstructed labour, malaria and unsafe abortions which calls for preventive and curative interventions to reduce the prevalence of maternal and under five children mortality.

Making the disclosure Monday during the flagging off of the 2023 Maternal, New Born and Child Health Week (MNCHW) held at PHC, Gida Dubu, Bauchi, Gwadabe said that “May, I also use this opportunity to inform you that MNCH week started in March 2010, when the Federal Government through National Council on Health adopted the bí-annual implementation of the MNCHW week”.

The Commissioner, represented by the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry, Aliyu Babayo further said that this came against the backdrop of unacceptably poor maternal and under – 5 health to reverse the trend.

According to him,”indices in the country and the urgent need to interrupt and was expected to improve facility based health seeking behaviour of the people, high impact, cost effective lifesaving interventions and services delivery to pregnant women and under 5 children at primary health facilities.”

He explained that each round of implementation of the MNCH week has a series of activities before, during and after the implementation which will be provided in two Health Facilities per ward totalling 646 HF across the state.

The Commissioner explained that 1,292 health care workers will be engaged at the facility to deliver the services stating that, “Our target for this year is 1,486,070 Children from 6-59months for Vitamin A, 1,320,951 Children aged of 12-59 months for Deworming Medication, Nutrition services Immunization among others. 412,797 pregnant women are also targeted to receive

While flagging of the week long activities, Bauchi State First Lady, Hajiya Aisha Bala Mohammed said that these services are primarily delivered to strengthen the routine Health Facility (PHC) services for Pregnant women, Mothers and Children 0-59 months..

According to her, Maternal Newborn and Child Health week is a bi-annual event to accelerate actions for promoting and substantially contribute to proving Maternal, New born and Child Health indicators in the state saying, “Moreover, we should ensure that there is a vigorous social mobilization for maximum coverage”.

She used the medium to appreciate Bauchi State Government for making the MNCH week a reality and also appreciate the Partners who are always supporting the Government to ensure Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in the country.

Aisha Mohammed said that, “Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, you may wish to note that strentening primary Healthcare service includes, routine immumization, reproductive maternal health, new-born and child healthcare services”.

She emphasized that the above remains the top most priority of the present administration of Sen Bala Abdulkadir Mohammed saying that,”And I am assuring you that more will be done with the re-election of His Excellency for the second term. It is iindeed worthy to note that, observing maternal new born and health week will eventually improve health status of the citizens.”

The First Lady explained that The interventions during the week long activity will be given freely to mothers and children under-fives, perhaps another critical step in reducing high rate of maternal and child morbidity and mortality rate in the state.

“It is indeed delighting to know that, the interventions to be provided during the week will surely increase the coverage of notable health care services in the state.

We wish to use this opportunity to reassure the good people of Bauchi State that, Government is committed to their wellbeing, especially the women and children under five years,” she said.

The First Lady concluded saying,”It is on this note, I call on the entire people of Bauchi state to access the services provided during the long week activity.
At this juncture, I have the pleasure to FLAG-OFF the week event today 22nd May 2023.”

In a goodwill message, State Focal Person of Alive and Thrive, FHI360, Bauchi, Asimobi Chidi commended the State Government for placing premium priority on Primary Healthcare service delivery saying that it was the best thing to do.

He assured that his organization will always support the government in its efforts to achieve the universal health coverage in the state through the various interventions.

Asimobi Chidi urged mothers whose children are within the age bracket to ensure that they accessed the services of the week at the designated facilities across the state.

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