
Lingering Fuel Scarcity: Reps summon petroleum minister

The House of Representatives has taken decisive action to address the ongoing fuel scarcity crisis gripping the nation, inviting the Minister of Petroleum Resources to provide crucial insights and strategies to resolve the situation and prevent its recurrence.

In response to the escalating fuel scarcity and soaring retail prices of Premium Motor Spirit (PMS) across Nigeria, the House unanimously passed a resolution to summon the Minister of Petroleum Resources, President Bola Tinubu, for a comprehensive briefing.

Tinubu as the Petroleum Resources Minister, appointed Heineken Lokpobiri as the Minister of State for Petroleum Resources (Oil), and Ekperikpe Ekpo as Minister of State for Petroleum Resources (Gas).

The motion, introduced by Hon. Umar Shehu Ajilo, underscored the urgent need to address the persistent fuel scarcity, which has inflicted undue hardship on Nigerian citizens and exacerbated economic challenges.

Expressing deep concern over the adverse impact of the fuel scarcity, compounded by subsidy removal and soaring inflation, the House emphasized the urgent necessity for government intervention to alleviate the plight of the Nigerian populace.

Of particular concern was the apparent failure of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation Ltd to effectively tackle the recurring fuel scarcity issue, despite its significant resources and mandate.

The House decried the exorbitant retail prices of fuel, which have reached alarming levels in some states, reaching as high as N1200 per litre.

Such astronomical prices have further exacerbated the economic burden on ordinary Nigerians, rendering their lives increasingly untenable.

In light of these pressing concerns, the House stressed the imperative for swift and lasting measures to address the fuel scarcity crisis and restore stability to the petroleum sector.

The House affirmed its commitment to ensuring that the government takes decisive action to alleviate the suffering of Nigerians and safeguard their interests.

The summons of the Minister of Petroleum Resources reflects the House’s determination to hold government officials accountable and prioritize the welfare of the Nigerian people amidst the ongoing challenges facing the nation.

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