
Land grabbing: Ogun police commissioner orders investigation into killing of two persons in Odogbolu community

Ogun State Commissioner of Police, Mr Frank Mba, has ordered a discreet investigation into the killing of two people, including a 47- year- old father of eight children, Kamoru Anifowose, penultimate Friday in the Abatiwa, Odogbolu community in the Agbowa area of Odogbolu Local Government Area of Ogun State.

Mba, through the state Police Public Relations Officer, Abimbola Oyeyemi, said that criminals would never be allowed to operate freely within his command, adding that investigation into the dastardly act had commenced in earnest.

Tough-spoken Mba expressed concerns over the recent killings, assuring that the police would not leave any stone unturned with a view to bringing the perpetrators of the heinous act to book.

“We are on top of it. I can assure you that we shall make our findings known to the public very soon,” he said.

The Ogun police boss also assured of his preparedness to fight criminals within his command headlong, regardless of their status.

meanwhile, one of the deceased persons, Anifowose, an estate agent, died of multiple gunshots from the assailants. The criminals, who also butchered him with axes and machetes, allegedly made away with his two severed wrists.

The other victim, simply identified as Akibu, was also shot dead while trying to escape from the scene of the crime.

Indepth investigation by our correspondent revealed that prior to the killing of the victims, there had been a lingering feud between the Odonosa Royal Family and a group of land grabbers over an expanse of land and for which the odonosa family got a judgement in their favour about 2018.

Those defeated in the legal suit did not file an appeal and consequently, those who won the victory went ahead to take possession of the land. But rather than taking their defeat in good faith, the losers resorted to thuggery, as they allegedly went ahead to hire the services of one Kamoru Oluwo, popularly known as “Sir K”, said to be notorious for leading a gang of deadly lieutenants.

It was gathered that to perfect their carefully orchestrated illegal invasion of the land, Sir K’s group allegedly super-imposed unrelated appeal documents, purporting same to be genuine, and which they reportedly tendered before the Ogun State Ministry of Justice, claiming that the judgement of the high court had been challenged.

But when the Ministry of Justice invited the two parties to their Abeokuta office to verify the documents tendered by both parties, Sir K’s group simply backed down by not honouring the invitation.

The fallout of the face-off over the piece of land was the blood-letting perpetrated penultimate Friday during which two persons were killed.

According to an eye witness, the killings, which occurred at about 8.30pm of the aforementioned day, shatered the peace of the community as residents ran helter skelter for dear lives.

Our usually reliable sources said a gang of over 50 armed men invaded the community in a Toyota Hilux, five Sienna Space buses and multiple motorcycles, chanting war songs as they unleashed mayhem on the peace-loving residents.

“They shot their way into the community by chanting war songs,” a resident who pleaded anonymity said.

Preliminary investigations carried out by the police led to the arrest of nine persons, including one Mr Sesan, the prime suspect in the illegal and bloody invasion of the community.

However, the family of one of the deceased persons has raised the alarm over the unexpected release of the same Sesan.

“We are calling on the state Governor, Prince Dapo Abiodun; the state’s Attorney General and the Police Commissioner in the state, C P Frank Mba to ensure that justice is allowed to prevail in this
matter,” they pleaded.

An independent witness to the incident, Mr Yinka Baale, told our correspondent, ”We were in the village around 8:15pm and about to take our dinner when the uninvited invaders came calling.

“I saw a Toyota Hilux and we thought that they were policemen .But when they pulled over to where we were sitting, I saw Sir K Oluwo and Mr Sesan.“

Continuing, he said, ”Suddenly, they started shooting. Other people escaped but they were able to hold on to three of us.

”They began with Kamoru and started shooting at him. When they realized that the bullets appeared not to be penetrating his body, they began to use axes and machetes on him.”

Baale added, ”While they descended on Kamoru, Akibu made attempts to escape, but he was shot in the abdomen and the neck. I then ran into the bush. They also shot at me but through motherluck, I escaped from the scene.”

One of the wives of the slain Kamoru Anifowoshe, Latifat, who also spoke with our correspondent, said, “The Governor and the public should not let my husband die in vain. The killers are known and they have been arrested. The police owe it as a duty to be on the side of justice.

“My late husband went to work to cater for his family, but now they have killed him. I leant that one of those who killed him has been released and that he has been boasting that nobody can arrest him, that he is above the law because he is very rich.”

The victim’s housewife added, ”Eye witnesses at the scene said that they saw Sir K, Mukaila Actor, Sesan and others. These people should not be allowed to go scot-free after killing my husband.”

The widow further said, “The police at Eleweran should treat this matter with all the seriousness it deserves. I heard that the suspects are scheming to evade justice. The blood of the deceased is calling for justice.”

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