
Lagos-Calabar Coastal Highway will transform lives, boost 30m business —President Tinubu

In a bold move to enhance connectivity and stimulate economic growth, President Bola Tinubu has inaugurated the ambitious Lagos-Calabar Coastal Highway project, emphasizing its potential to revolutionize transportation and commerce across nine states.

Addressing dignitaries and stakeholders during the project’s flag-off ceremony in Lagos, Tinubu outlined the transformative impact of the 700km highway on local communities and businesses.

“The Lagos-Calabar coastal highway will provide improved access to production and marketing centers for 30 million people,” Tinubu remarked, highlighting the project’s role in fostering economic opportunity and accelerating community development.

He underscored the significance of the highway in facilitating trade, promoting tourism, and creating employment opportunities for millions of Nigerians.

Acknowledging the challenges associated with the project, Tinubu appealed for understanding and cooperation from affected individuals and communities.

He reassured them of the government’s commitment to providing adequate compensation and support during the construction phase.

“We all make sacrifices to enable our country to grow,” Tinubu stated, emphasizing the government’s compassionate approach to addressing the concerns of those impacted by the highway’s construction.

Describing the Lagos-Calabar Coastal Highway as a symbol of hope and unity, Tinubu emphasized its potential to stimulate economic growth and improve the quality of life for Nigerians.

He commended the dedication and expertise of the project’s stakeholders, recognizing their pivotal role in advancing the nation’s infrastructure development agenda.

In addition to its economic benefits, Tinubu highlighted the highway’s strategic importance in enhancing regional connectivity and promoting social cohesion.

He emphasized the government’s commitment to ensuring the safety, sustainability, and social responsibility of the project, urging stakeholders to collaborate effectively to maximize its long-term impact.

Addressing concerns raised by critics, Tinubu reaffirmed the government’s resolve to uphold transparency and accountability in the execution of the highway project.

He commended the Minister of Works, David Umahi, for his leadership and urged private investors to contribute to its success.

As the flagship project enters the implementation phase, Tinubu expressed optimism about its transformative potential and called on all Nigerians to support its realization.

“Let the construction begin,” he declared, underscoring the government’s determination to deliver tangible benefits to communities across the country.

With the inauguration of the Lagos-Calabar Coastal Highway, Nigeria embarks on a journey of progress and prosperity, guided by the vision of a brighter future for all its citizens.

As construction commences, the nation looks forward to reaping the rewards of enhanced connectivity, economic growth, and sustainable development along its coastal regions.

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