
Jury deliberates in Trump criminal trial, election fate hangs in balance

Jurors began deliberating Wednesday in the first criminal trial of a former US president, with their decision potentially altering the course of November’s election, where Republican candidate Donald Trump seeks to reclaim power.

After weeks of testimony from over 20 witnesses, the focus now shifts to the 12-member New York jury, whose identities remain anonymous amid heightened political tensions.

Following final instructions from Judge Juan Merchan, jurors retired to a designated room where they will determine the fate of 77-year-old Trump.

Judge Merchan reminded jurors to set aside personal biases and make a decision based on evidence, emphasizing the importance of their role in the community.

No time limit has been set for deliberations, but unanimity is required for a conviction or acquittal. Any dissenting juror would lead to a mistrial declaration.

Trump faces charges of falsifying business records to reimburse a $130,000 payment to adult film star Stormy Daniels to silence her about an alleged sexual encounter that could have jeopardized his 2016 presidential campaign.

Prosecutors argue the fraud was motivated by a scheme to conceal his behavior from voters.

A guilty verdict could have significant political ramifications, potentially affecting Trump’s candidacy in the upcoming November 5 presidential election.

Trump, instructed to remain in the courthouse during deliberations, criticized the trial outside the courtroom, labeling it a “disgraceful situation” and claiming the charges were rigged.

In closing arguments, Trump’s defense team argued the evidence for conviction was lacking, while prosecutors emphasized the clarity of Trump’s intent to defraud.

If convicted, Trump faces up to four years in prison on each of 34 counts, although legal experts believe jail time is unlikely for a first-time offender.

A conviction would not disqualify Trump from the November ballot, and he would likely appeal. In the event of a mistrial, prosecutors could seek a new trial.

Trump, required to attend the trial daily, has used the proceedings to assert the trial as a Democratic strategy to impede his campaign activities.

The verdict will influence public opinion as polls show a tight race between Trump and President Joe Biden.

Besides the New York case, Trump faces indictments in Washington and Georgia for conspiring to overturn the 2020 election results, along with charges in Florida for retaining classified documents after leaving office.

The New York trial is expected to conclude before election day.

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