
Jonathan blames local govts for insecurity in Nigeria

Former President Goodluck Jonathan said local governments should be blamed for the raging insecurity in Nigeria.

Jonathan, who spoke while delivering a graduation lecture at the National Institute for Security Studies in Abuja on Thursday, said local governments in the country were no more functioning as expected.

He, however, implored the state government to step up to revive the local government system.

“Most of these security conflicts are happening because of the weakness of the lower tiers of government. The local government system that is supposed to interphase with communities directly and prevents this is dead in this country.

“Since the local governments are mainly managed by the states now because we are told that some states even take their money. I think the states must have strong departments that will coordinate the affairs of local governments.

“And these departments must have regular meetings with traditional rulers and community development committees,” he said

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