
IPOB calls for international probe into South-East insecurity crisis

The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) has intensified its call for urgent international intervention to investigate the persistent insecurity plaguing the South-East region of Nigeria.

In a statement released by its Media and Publicity Secretary, Emma Powerful, IPOB urged the international community to conduct an in-depth, independent investigation into the escalating crisis.

Entitled “IPOB Call for International Independent Investigation of Insecurity in the Eastern Region of Nigeria,” the statement highlights the alarming security situation in the South-East and accuses both the Federal and state governments of complicity in exacerbating the crisis.

The pro-Biafra group has appealed to the international community to intervene and pressure the Nigerian and British governments to launch thorough investigations into the root causes of insecurity in the region. IPOB contends that the ongoing violence and unrest in the South-East require immediate attention and concerted efforts to address underlying grievances and restore peace and stability.

The call for international intervention comes amidst escalating tensions and reports of escalating violence in the region, including clashes between security forces and separatist groups.

IPOB’s statement reads, “The global family and movement of the Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, ably led by our great leader Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, calls for International Intelligence community, the British government, and the Nigeria government to investigate the continuous insecurity in the Biafra Land. IPOB maintains that insecurity in Biafra Land is state sponsored.

“According to the United Nations Development Program, UNDP, report of 2016, the South East region was named the most humanly secure geopolitical zone in Nigeria. South East or Biafra land has been the epicenter for IPOB peaceful rallies in Nigeria since 2010.

“IPOB has never recorded any form of violence in all the crowded peaceful rallies we have held all over the world. However, when the last administration before President Ahmed Tinubu came in 2016, they applied several brutal forces to stop IPOB’s peaceful rallies for Biafra’s self-determination.

“In the process of this, a lot of IPOB members were murdered in cold blood during peaceful rallies. Some IPOB members were permanently deformed by bullets, injuries, acid, and chemicals and tortures by security operatives.

“Irrespective of all these provocations, IPOB remains undoubtedly strong and peaceful. Globally, in over 100 countries where IPOB is permitted to operate, including in Nigeria, no IPOB member has ever been convicted for any crime while performing IPOB”.

IPOB’s plea underscores the gravity of the situation and the urgent need for decisive action to prevent further deterioration of security conditions.

As IPOB amplifies its call for international scrutiny of the South-East insecurity crisis, the region remains at a critical juncture, with implications not only for the affected communities but also for the broader socio-political landscape of Nigeria.

The outcome of this appeal and any subsequent investigations will likely shape the trajectory of efforts to address insecurity and foster reconciliation in the region.

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