
How I expended N2.1m on treating COVID-19 – NBC director

…says ‘one dose of Coronavirus drug costs N350,000’

National Broadcasting Corporation’s Director of Public Affairs, Mrs Franca Aiyetan, has recounted how she ended up expending a whopping N2.1million on treating herself of a COVID-19 infection.

In an emotion-laden message on the WhatsApp group of the University of Ilorin Old Students Aiyetan, explained that she was diagnosed with the Coronavirus on November 27 at the National Intelligence Agency testing centre in Abuja.

According to her, “They dispensed hydroxychloroquine; azithromycin (250mg twice for four days) and the routine Vitamin C – 1,000mg; zinc, twice daily; and Vitamin D3 for 14 days. I was told to isolate at home and return on the fifth day. I did.

“On my fifth-day visit, my test was still positive. My blood pressure was 197/113 (mmHg). I was sweating profusely. By now, I had developed this deadly cough that threatened to squeeze life out of my lungs. No strength, no taste, no smell. I was placed on oxygen on that Saturday, December 5, 2020 at the NIA Horsfall clinic.

“That same Saturday, Prof Felicia Anumah and my siblings took the critical decision to move me to the COVID-19 isolation centre in Gwagwalada, which had more experienced physicians and better facilities and medication to respond to the COVID-19 infection.”

Aiyetan said several medical workers received her at the Gwagwalada isolation centre, saying that one Dr Tahir’s chat with her “kept my spirits high, told me about Remivir 100, which costs N350,000 each, multiplied by six shots to be administered.

“He told me to make my contacts as they would commence treatment immediately. They started by borrowing two (doses) from another patient who had purchased his set, which they returned in the morning when my supply was collected. So, began my lease of life (sic).”

The NBC spokeswoman stated that the nights in the hospital were “deadly and eerie,” as there was “almost a death every night.”

Writing further on her COVID-19 survival experience, Aiyetan stated, “The sound of ambulances arriving at the isolation centre started to give me panic attacks. In nine nights, I witnessed six deaths – renowned people in society. And I watched as the news broke on the TV the following day… really depressing.

“I cried and prayed. I sometimes started to jot down stuff, in case I didn’t make it so that people would know that I was in a good state of mind. I would think of the good things that had happened in my life and smile. I thanked God, etc.

“I did not know how the bills were picked. Yes, my office, NBC, paid the humongous N2.1m for Remivir. Friends and family knocked off the rest as they came.”

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