
Hoodlums behead police officer in Akwa Ibom

Suspected hoodlums have beheaded a police inspector simply identified as Osang in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State.

It was gathered that the victim was attacked by over 10 assailants at his house around Enen Afaha and Afaha Ube, an Uyo suburb, on Wednesday night.

Eyewitnesses said residents and passersby scampered for safety following heavy shooting by the hoodlums.

Police Public Relations Officer, SP Odiko Macdon, confirmed the incident saying, the Command received the news of the murder.

He said, “We have received that information and it is an unfortunate situation. Already, an investigation is ongoing and we are committed to ridding the streets of criminal elements.

“Again, we are not deterred and we are committed to ensuring that, criminally minded persons will account for their actions.”

Meanwhile, Akwa Ibom State Governor, Umo Eno, has warned criminals not to test the resolve of his administration regarding security matters.

Speaking during a valedictory gala to honour some service commanders transferred from the state, and newly promoted Military Generals from Akwa Ibom, Eno warned criminals to stay away from the state.

“We will stop at nothing in ensuring the safety of our people. We are drawing up a new security architecture for the state and in the next few months, you will see the results and how serious we are.”

“So if criminals believe that Akwa Ibom State is a place for them to hibernate, I am warning them now that they will find this state too hot for them to stay. We have credible intelligence that some in our society, those living among us, are giving support, aid and comfort to these criminal elements just to upturn the peace in our state and use it as a narrative.

“Let me say this emphatically and to assure our people that no matter how highly placed such an individual may be, such an individual will not be spared. We will mention your name and call you out. We will come after you. We will use every layer of intelligence available to track you, we are on top of this game, so be warned,” he stated.

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