
Group seeks probe of Ondo cabal, alleges their potential medical coercion of Gov Akeredolu

A group, Social Rehabilitation Grace and Support Initiative (SRG) has petitioned the federal government, to look into the rigorous governance activities that Governor Akeredolu has been made to undertake while he is supposed to be in recovery in Ibadan, in what they term “Medical Coercion.

In an open letter to the Attorney General and Minister of Justice, Mr. Lateef Fagbemi (SAN), the group, through its Convener, Dr. Charles Oludare (Márìndọ̀tí), specifically asked the federal government to Institute an inquest into the expenditure of N7.3 bn.

It also frowned on the appointment of 33 Local Council Development Area (LCDA) chairmen and 18 caretaker chairmen for local government areas, “all during a time when he (Governor Rotimi Akeredolu) should have been prioritising his health”.

In the letter titled, “Investigation Request: Medical Coercion Concerns Surrounding Governor Akeredolu of Ondo State by Ondo Cabal”, SRG lamented what it termed as potential medical coercion and related governance issues caused by some cabal in the administration of Governor Rotimi Akeredolu (SAN)

The letter reads:

“This letter aims to urgently draw your attention to the concerning situation surrounding Governor Akeredolu of Ondo State, specifically focusing on potential medical coercion and related governance issues.

“Governor Akeredolu’s legacy as a steadfast patriot is well-established. His tenure as President of the Nigerian Bar Association highlighted his commitment to upholding the constitution and ensuring the rule of law.

“Moreover, his decisive action in establishing the Àmọ̀tẹ́kùn security outfit in Ondo State, in response to rising banditry threats, further cemented his reputation as a leader devoted to the safety and well-being of his people.

“However, recent events in Ondo State, particularly in relation to Governor Akeredolu’s health and his involvement in significant administrative decisions, have raised serious questions about potential medical coercion.

“Medical coercion refers to the practice of influencing or forcing an individual to make decisions detrimental to their health or against medical advice. This is a matter of grave concern, as it can severely impact an individual’s decision-making capacity and overall governance.

“Specifically, there are alarming reports about Governor Akeredolu’s involvement in the expenditure of 7.3 billion Naira and the appointment of 33 LCDA Chairmen and 18 caretaker chairmen for local government areas, all during a time when he should have been prioritizing his health.

“Given Governor Akeredolu’s history of patriotic service, it is imperative that we ensure his decisions are made freely and in his best health interest. The position of Governor Akeredolu regarding an indisposed Chief Executive is known as evidenced by his statement when the Late President Umar Musa Yar’adua was ailing and unavailable.

Therefore, I respectfully request your office to:

  1. Investigate the nature of Governor Akeredolu’s return from medical treatment in Germany and the choice to stay back in Ibadan – whether it was a discharge against medical advice (DAMA) or under doctor’s instructions.
  2. Scrutinise the recent significant financial transactions and appointments made by the Governor, particularly regarding the 7.3 billion Naira expenditure and the appointed officials.
  3. Assess any evidence of medical coercion or undue influence impacting Governor Akeredolu’s decision-making and governance abilities.

“The situation calls for an immediate and thorough examination to ensure that firstly the interest of Governor Akeredolu is adequately protected and secondly that the governance of Ondo State is conducted in the best interest of its citizens.

“Thank you for your attention to this critical matter. I am confident in your commitment to justice and the rule of law, and I trust that your office will take appropriate action in this.”


Kayode Fasua,

Publicity Secretary,

Social Rehabilitation Grace and Support Initiative (SRG)

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