
Gov Sani blames Kaduna salary woes on inherited debts from El-Rufai’s govt

Governor Uba Sani of Kaduna State has pointed fingers at his predecessor, Nasir El-Rufai, for the current challenges facing his administration, particularly the inability to pay workers’ salaries due to the massive debts inherited.

Speaking at a town hall meeting in Kaduna during the weekend, Governor Sani revealed that his administration inherited a staggering debt burden of $587 million, N85 billion, and 115 contractual liabilities from the previous government.

Governor Sani expressed his dismay over the situation, highlighting that a significant portion of the federal allocation meant for Kaduna in March, amounting to N7 billion, had to be deducted to service the state’s debt obligations. This left the state with only N3 billion, which fell short of the N5.2 billion required for monthly salary payments.

He emphasized the financial strain caused by the depreciation of the exchange rate, resulting in the state paying back nearly triple the amount borrowed by the previous administration.

However, despite the daunting financial challenges, Governor Sani asserted that his administration had refrained from borrowing any additional funds in the past nine months.

He stated, “Despite the huge debt burden of $587 million, N85 billion, and 115 contractual liabilities sadly inherited from the previous administration, we remain resolute in steering Kaduna State towards progress and sustainable development.”

Governor Sani outlined the key priority areas of his government, including safety and security, housing, education, healthcare, and support for micro, small, and medium enterprises.

He emphasized a commitment to inclusive development, focusing on investing in human capital, stimulating the economy, and providing affordable housing.

The governor’s remarks underscored the challenges facing Kaduna State and his administration’s efforts to address them while navigating a complex financial landscape inherited from the past administration.

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