
Eyinmba faces league sanctions following Oriental Derby chaos

Gifted Markson

In the aftermath of the tumultuous Oriental Derby between Rangers International FC and Enyimba FC, Eyinmba finds itself at the center of league sanctions imposed by the management in response to the chaotic events that unfolded.

The league management’s decisive action includes awarding Rangers International FC 3 points and 3 goals, consolidating their position in the league standings following the match’s abandonment at the 90+9 minute mark.

Eyinmba FC, on the other hand, has been levied a hefty fine totaling N10 million for a string of infractions committed during the derby:

  • N1 million for failing to control their team
  • N5 million for disrupting a live broadcast
  • N1 million for throwing objects onto the pitch
  • N1 million for encroachment onto the field of play
  • N2 million for causing the match to be discontinued

Moreover, three Enyimba players, Akanni Elijah, Eze Ekwutoziam, and Chibuke Nwaiwu are set to face sanctions following a comprehensive investigation into their roles in the incident. The specifics of the sanctions will be disclosed once the investigation is completed.

This swift and stringent action by the league management underscores their unwavering commitment to upholding discipline and safeguarding the integrity of the competition.

Eyinmba, its players, and fans await the repercussions of these sanctions as the league season progresses.

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