
Enemy’s camp in confusion with Odili, Mbata’s support for my govt, says Fubara

Rivers State Governor, Siminalayi Fubara, has declared that the support given to his administration by the former Governor, Dr. Peter Odili, and Senator John Asuta Mbata has caused confusion in the enemy camp.

Governor Fubara, expressing his gratitude to the former Governor Odili and elder statesman, Mbata, among others who have continued to stand with his administration, said: “Let me specially thank our leader, Sir Dr. Peter Odili. Let me specially thank Senator John Mbata. I have a reason to say this, and everyone of you knows it.”

He added, “But I need to call out these two: they are a strong symbol causing problems in the camp of the opposition. Each time they stand with us, they’re one million in one man, and it is troubling them. And this evening, with the calibre of people sitting on this table, there will be confusion somewhere. So you can see the handiwork of God! It is not me. It is when God is in control, He makes everything perfect in His way and in His time.”

Governor Fubara emphasized that his administration remains steadfast in delivering dividends of democracy despite the ongoing political crisis.

He attributed the successes recorded to divine intervention, stating, “God has been graciously upholding the government, offering it the right direction and giving me the strength to carry on.”

Speaking at the State Banquet to celebrate his first one year in office and the 57th Anniversary of the creation of Rivers State at Government House in Port Harcourt on Monday night, Governor Fubara underscored the resilience of his administration amidst challenges.

He highlighted the significance of unity and support from key figures like Odili and Mbata in navigating turbulent political waters, reaffirming his administration’s commitment to serving the people and safeguarding the interests of Rivers State.

The governor further said that his administration has provided “Governance that has the interest of our people at heart. Governance that is prudent. Governance that has respect for you: all of you.

“We decided to have this banquet today to say: thank you, thank you and thank you to every one of you. You have supported us.

“The last time I had this opportunity to dine with you was on 1st of January, 2024, and you know, the mood was not like this. We never knew we could even stand up till today.

“You see the reason why we need to give God all the glory. It is very simple: one thing is very important and unique; we are succeeding because we are on the side of God.

“It is not just standing on the side of God; because everybody professes to be standing on the side of God, even the native doctor would call on God.

“But what is important is God being in your business. God is in our business. And because He is in our business, we will continue to survive, no matter where they are coming from,” he said.

Insisting that his purpose in government is to deliver the dividends of democracy to Rivers people, which will not be compromised, he said, “It takes somebody who loves this State genuinely to embark on a project like the Trans-Kalabari Road.

“I am not from that axis of the riverine, where somebody would say I’m doing it because I’m from there. No. That project alone will cost this government over N225 billion.

“But so far, to show our commitment that we are not just saying that we want to do it, we have started it, and we believe in delivering it.

“We believe that when this project is completely delivered, security issues will be reduced, development will come to our people in far remote areas that you could hitherto only traverse through the sea, issues of water piracy will be gone, including issues of boat mishaps that we keep recording.”

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