
Christmas: Heal wounds of broken bonds, Mark urges govt

Former President of the Senate, Senetor David Mark, has for the umpteenth time expressed concern over the unabating spate of violent crimes and insecurity across Nigeria, urging security operatives to review strategy towards reversing the situation.

Senator Mark said citizens of Nigeria have been exposed to more than enough ridicule on account of the security challenges, saying, “Governments and security agents should do more to restore hope and trust in the land.”

In his goodwill message to Nigerians to mark this year’s Christmas celebrations, Mark in a statement by his
Special Adviser, Paul Mumeh, noted that the present security strategy seemed not to be yielding the expected results.

According to him, “A review of the operational strategy is therefore necessary in order to address the intractable issues.“

Part of the proposed review of strategy, Senator Mark said, should include a comprehensive research to find out why some people resort to violence and taking up of arms against their fellow citizens and a country they once loved.

“ There is no need to pretend or shy away anymore . It should be stated categorically that the tragedy that has befallen Nigeria in terms of insecurity is beyond ordinary”, he stressed.

Senator Mark, therefore, urged the government and the citizens alike to use this period of Yuletide to seek divine intervention, reconcile and restore hope to the beleaguered people in order to heal the wounds of a broken bonds across the nation.

He said, “Nothing can be more depressing and frustrating than a people without hope or future. Our people cannot feel safe in their homes, places of work, worship centres or on the roads. No responsible society should allow this to continue.”

Senator Mark also called on the religious leaders to preach the message of peace, tolerance and harmonious relationship just as he reminded that “Nigeria remains the only home and country we can call our own.”

He added that the Yuletide season calls for forgiveness, reconciliation and unity of purpose to make Nigeria a safer and better place for all.

Senator Mark wished all Nigerians a merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

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