
CAN urges love, wisdom in Easter message

As Nigeria commemorates Easter, the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) has issued a poignant appeal, calling for governance guided by wisdom and fairness, and advocating for sacrificial love among citizens.

In a heartfelt message to the nation, Archbishop Daniel Okoh, President of CAN, extended sincere wishes for peace, joy, and blessings to all Nigerians during this sacred season. He emphasized the significance of Easter as a symbol of hope, renewal, and redemption, particularly amidst socio-economic challenges.

“As we celebrate Easter, I extend heartfelt wishes of peace, joy, and blessings to all Nigerians on behalf of the national leadership of CAN,” stated Archbishop Okoh, highlighting the timeless message of hope inherent in Easter.

Drawing parallels between Christ’s resurrection and Nigeria’s potential to overcome adversity, Archbishop Okoh stressed the importance of unity and mutual love in Nigerian society.

“The lessons of Easter hold particular relevance for Nigerian society today. In a time marked by uncertainty, we are called to embody the virtues of love for one another,” he emphasized.

Archbishop Okoh underscored that Easter is not merely a time for celebration but a call to action, urging leaders to govern with integrity and citizens to stand united in the face of challenges.

“Let us remember that Easter is not merely a time for celebration but a call to action,” he asserted, urging leaders to prioritize the common good and citizens to exemplify the spirit of Easter in their daily lives.

In a powerful call to transformative leadership, Archbishop Okoh urged leaders at all levels to embrace the lessons of Easter and govern with wisdom and fairness.

“I urge all leaders to govern with wisdom, fairness, and a genuine commitment to the common good. I call upon all citizens to embody the spirit of Easter in their daily lives,” he encouraged.

He concluded by urging a rededication to positive values and the building of a nation that reflects these values, as Nigerians commemorate the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

“As we commemorate the resurrection of our Lord, let us also renew our dedication to building a nation that reflects positive values.”

Archbishop Okoh concluded, encapsulating CAN’s message of love, wisdom, and unity during this Easter season.

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