
Bullion vans shouldn’t determine election results – Atiku

Presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party, Atiku Abubakar, on Sunday, said Nigerians should not allow the results of the 2023 presidential election to be determined by “bullion vans.”

Atiku, in a newsletter, urged Nigerians to channel frustrations arising from the scarcity of naira and fuel to vote out the ruling All Progressives Congress.

The PDP flagbearer said, “A few days ago, I had cause to make a statement on the currency conversion policy of the Federal Government. In the said statement, I aligned my position with an upsurge of demands for a slight extension of the January 31 deadline.

“While commending the magnanimity of the CBN for such an extension, it would be pertinent for the agency to take urgent measures and make the new currency available and accessible to the public. This is necessary to ease the ongoing hardships and frustration that have become manifest in our people across the country.”

Atiku commended the CBN and the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission on the work done to checkmate persons hoarding the newly designed naira.

He added, “It is also noteworthy to appreciate the good work being done by the EFCC and the Independent Corrupt Practices Commission for busting unscrupulous elements who hoard money in secret warehouses.

“Under no circumstance must we allow the outcome of this election to be determined by the bullion van tendencies. The frustration that we all go through at the moment can be corrected if the CBN continues to do its part and operatives of the EFCC and ICPC, too, ensure that people do not keep stacks of money out of reach of the public. The other side of the bargain is for us as Nigerians to use the power of our PVC to channel our frustration to vote out the APC in the forthcoming general election.”

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