
BUDGET PADDING: SERAP Urges Referral to Anti-Corruption Agencies and Whistleblower Reinstatement

Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project (SERAP) has issued a resounding call to Senate President Godswill Akpabio, urging the swift referral of allegations of budget padding to anti-corruption agencies for thorough investigation and prosecution.

In a statement released to the media, SERAP also demanded the immediate reinstatement of whistleblower Abdul Ningi, who was recently suspended from the Senate for exposing irregularities in the 2024 budget.

In the letter addressed to the Senate President and dated 16 March 2024, SERAP’s deputy director, Kolawole Oluwadare, emphasized the imperative of upholding transparency, accountability, and the rule of law in governance. The organization stressed that referring the allegations to appropriate anti-corruption agencies aligns with lawmakers’ oath of office and the principles enshrined in the Nigerian Constitution.

“What Senator Ningi has done is a positive act of good citizenship. No whistleblower should ever be penalized simply for making a public interest disclosure,” stated SERAP.

The organization condemned the suspension of Senator Ningi and urged the Senate to utilize his allegations as a catalyst for addressing the systemic issue of budget padding and corruption. SERAP underscored the importance of whistleblowers in uncovering corruption and stressed the need for their protection under both domestic and international law.

“Referring the allegations to the Independent Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences Commission (ICPC) and Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) would improve public trust in the ability of the leadership of the Senate to ensure probity and accountability in the budget process,” emphasized SERAP.

The organization further called for the discontinuation of unlawful constituency projects in future budget cycles and urged lawmakers to prioritize the common good in their legislative duties. SERAP emphasized that combating budget padding and corruption would enhance public access to basic services and promote good governance.

In conclusion, SERAP urged prompt action from the Senate President and the National Assembly, emphasizing that failure to comply within seven days would result in appropriate legal measures to enforce their requests in the public interest. The organization reiterated the importance of transparency, accountability, and respect for human rights in upholding democratic values and fostering national development.

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