
Akpabio advocates state police devoid of politics, religion, tribalism

Senate President, Godswill Akpabio on Monday, threw his weight behind the creation of state police across the country.

Akpabio spoke in Abuja at a national policy dialogue on state policing organised by the House of Representatives Committee on Constitution Review.

The event which attracted prominent Nigerians, including former military Head of State, Gen Abdulsalami Abubakar (retd), ex-President, Goodluck Jonathan; Metropolitan Catholic Archbishop of Abuja, Cardinal John Onaiyekan, among others, dwelled on the theme, “Pathways to peace: Re-imaging policing in Nigeria.”

Akpabio, who was represented by the Deputy Senate President, Jibrin Barau, pledged the readiness of the 10th Assembly to confront the challenges of insecurity headlong in line with the focus of the President Bola Tinubu-led administration to make Nigeria safe for all.

The Senate President said, “The concept of state police has been a topic of debate for many years. It is a complex issue with no easy answers. But today, courtesy of the House of Representatives, we have the opportunity to engage in a national dialogue, to listen to the voices of our fellow citizens, and to forge a path towards a more secure Nigeria. Let us seize this opportunity with open hearts and open minds. Let us listen to one another, learn from one another, and work together to find a common ground.

“President Tinubu did not only come to steady the ship of state, he came to adjust the sails and steer the ship of state through rough and fair weather, to the right direction and the right destination. He is known for rearranging the sails, and this is exactly what he has done in agreeing that modalities should be worked out for us to have state police.

“In working out modalities for the state police and the security of our nation, we must not forget that security is not a privilege, but a fundamental right of every Nigerian. It is our duty to ensure that this right is upheld, that justice is served, and that the rule of law prevails.

“We must build a security architecture that is robust, transparent, and accountable. If we are to set up state police departments, we must ensure that they are free from the shackles of politics, religious extremism, tribalism, and ethnicism. We must empower them to serve and protect, without fear or favour.”

Akpabio noted that if established, state police must not be used for the fulfilment of private privileges.

He said, “Let us never forget that the power of the state police should never be used as a tool of oppression or witch-hunting.

“Let us ensure that political powers do not manipulate the state police to silence dissent or target their enemies. Let us ensure that the influential do not exert undue influence over the state police and that justice is blind to wealth, power, politics, or status. Let us build a system that is fair, just, and equitable for all.”

Speaker of the House of Representatives, Abbas Tajudeen, in his keynote address, said the role of the National Assembly in security law-making is to ensure that any initiative, such as establishing state policing “adheres to our constitution and aligns with the broader goals of national security and public welfare.”

He added that the parliament has no position on state police, stressing however that “Our role is to facilitate a dialogue and generate consensus.

“Creating state policing systems requires more than just legislative action; it requires a national consensus. As diverse and complex as our great country is, so too are the opinions and perspectives on how best to manage and implement local policing.

“The concept of state police involves decentralising law enforcement functions to the state level, thereby allowing for more localised and responsive policing tailored to the unique needs of each State,” stressing however that “Section 214 of the 1999 Constitution establishes the Nigerian Police Force as unitary police “For the federation or any part thereof”.

Abbas added, “Evolving security challenges and other institutional and structural challenges have severely affected the general effectiveness of the police. This deficit has resulted in the military engaging in policing functions in all States of the Federation, including the Federal Capital Territory.

“In turn, this has also overstretched the armed forces and affected their effectiveness in combating other broader security challenges, including those that threaten the territorial integrity of Nigeria.”

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