
2023: No Nigerian should be undecided on candidate to vote for, says Kukah

No Nigerian should be unsure who to vote for in the upcoming general elections in 2023, according to Matthew Kukah, the Catholic Bishop of Sokoto Diocese.

In an appearance with Channels Television’s Politics Today on Wednesday, Kukah made this claim.

With so many issues the nation is currently dealing with, Nigerians shouldn’t be unsure on whom to vote for, in Kukah’s opinion.

The Bishop urged that Nigerians should fight fiercely to overcome scepticism.

He said, “Why would anybody be undecided about hunger? Why would anybody be undecided about insecurity? Why would anybody be undecided over the fact that they don’t seem to know where the next meal is going to come from?

“Why would anybody be undecided over the fact that there are no jobs? Why would anybody be undecided about that? So, there needs to be a vigorous battle to overcome cynicism.” 

According to the cleric, there is no such thing as “the right candidate” in elections because that could be a projection of one’s emotions. He advised Nigerians to lower their expectations on political choices.

The actual test, according to Kukah, should be how ready the electorate is to interact with elected officials once they are in power. A civic society, trade unions, town unions, groups, the media, and religious organizations, according to him, are necessary in this situation.

Without engagements, he contends, politicians would always take the electorate for granted. He stated that the institutions are undermined by those in power, which worsens the situation in Nigeria.

Speaking about the recent attacks that have put the conduct of the elections in 2023 in jeopardy, he noted that violence around elections is practically unavoidable throughout Africa and that it is the political system’s incentive that promotes such occurrences.

Kukah asserted that politicians seek to win elections merely to receive the benefits associated with it because of the automatic shift and quality of life that occurs for them once they have office.

“If it is all about service, most politicians canvassing for votes might have been doing something else that gives them better income.”


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