
2023 Election: US Imposes visa ban on Nigerians undermining democracy

The United States has announced its intention to implement visa restrictions on certain individuals in Nigeria who have been found to undermine the democratic process during the recently concluded 2023 general elections.

Anthony Blinken, the Secretary of State for the United States, made this announcement on Monday.

In a statement, Blinken emphasized the commitment of President Joe Biden’s administration to promote democracy not only in Nigeria but also globally.

The decision to impose visa restrictions on these individuals demonstrates the United States’ determination to address issues that hinder the democratic principles and values that are vital for a transparent and credible electoral process.

By taking these measures, the United States aims to encourage accountability and discourage any actions that undermine democratic practices in Nigeria. It sends a clear message that the United States stands firmly in support of democratic governance and fair elections.

The specific individuals affected by the visa restrictions have not been disclosed in the statement. However, this action serves as a reminder that any attempts to manipulate or subvert democratic processes will not be tolerated.

The United States, alongside other international partners, will continue to monitor and support efforts to strengthen democracy in Nigeria, promoting free and fair elections, respect for human rights, and the rule of law.

This announcement underscores the significance of upholding democratic principles and the shared responsibility of all stakeholders to ensure the integrity of electoral processes for the benefit of the Nigerian people and the advancement of the country as a whole.

The statement read, “Today, I am announcing that we have taken steps to impose visa restrictions on specific individuals in Nigeria for undermining the democratic process during Nigeria’s 2023 elections cycle.

“The United States is committed to supporting and advancing democracy in Nigeria and around the world,” the statement partly read.

Citing Section 212(a)(3)C) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, Blinken explained that “these individuals will be subject to restrictions on visas to the United States under a policy covering those believed to be responsible for, or complicit in, undermining democracy”.

The US Government did not mention any of the individuals or groups of persons perceived to have undermined Nigeria’s 2023 polls.

“These individuals have been involved in the intimidation of voters through threats and physical violence, the manipulation of vote results, and other activity that undermines Nigeria’s democratic process,” Blinken added.

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